Have you heard of Belum & Temenggor Forest?

25 – 27 March 2011 (Friday – Sunday)
Pulau Banding, Perak

For those who has been following my facebook (add me if u haven't!) you'd want to know that I am not in Kuala Lumpur anymore this weekend! where am I? in between forest reserve of Belum-Temengor Forest. As I type away, sounds of the wildlife plays music to my ears. I can hear birds chirping, the crickets in background singing and a yellow bird doing a solo out my balcony.

(gosh actually I blogged this during my 1st night there and only manage to publish it today!)

Belum Rainforest Resort

rexona and malaysian nature society

It's a beautiful place with wildlife, lush forrestry that supports a diverse range of flora and fauna, AND guess what? it's older than Amazon! however only 1/3 of Belum-Temengor Forest is protected, the rest remains unprotected and vulnerable to threats (e.g logging & poaching). That's why Rexona & MNS (Malaysia Nature Society) partnered up to raise awareness on the "Save Temengor" campaign (a long battle by MNS with the State & Federal govs to protect this area) and to preserve nature.

Rexona Naturals are given in my survival kit!
(so is a cute Doraemon mozzie guard)

The "Rexona Naturals - Help Us preserve Nature" contest in partnership with Guardian Malaysia and Malaysian Nature Society was launched giving 5 lucky winners an oppurtunity to experience firsthand the ecological wonders of Belum-Temengor Forest Reserve complex. Also in line is the launched of their latest range of products - Rexona Naturals, a new au naturale protection with a safe combination of the best of Rexona’s antiperspirant science and a selection of natural ingredients to deliver lasting freshness, while nourishing the skin and keeping women confident.

Wait what contest? why didn't I know about the contest? read on.

opening speech by Tanya Brand Manager of Rexona
and introduction to the campaign by MNS Manager Andrew

The "Save Temengor" campaign kicked off in September, customers who spent over RM15 of any Rexona products at Guardian will not only get a free reusable bag but also contribute to the cause by signing the pledge book. The signatures were colected and presented to the state goverment to show a strong public support for the protection and towards saving the remaining Belum-Temengor Forest Complex as a state park.

Andrew explains the importance of this campaign

congratulations to the winners!

From here, every contributed signature from consumers will have an oppurtunity to win a first-hand experience on the wonders of this national heritage in a 3D2N all-expense paid trip to the forest reserve. Consumers were to write a slogan in no more than 20 words why it is important to save Temengor Forest. The 5 lucky winners would be chosen and to bring along someone too!

kitty has arrived and will be blogging about the trip!
(Stay tune for Day 1 post)

For now if anyone is curious about the Belum Rainforest Resort (nice place with tours to discover Belum-Temengor, boat cruises, raflesia sightings, salt lick areas, etc) check out the photos below courtesy of the resort. You may view their website too at http://www.belumresort.com. Packages are available for you to discover the beautiful and pristine forests of Belum-Temengor and it's surroundings. 

the belum rainforest resort

the fish ponds outside restaurant

the restaurant where we go for our fuel (meal)

night & day outside my room

the rooms

sun bed & bathroom

Of course this is just a short introduction to my adventure with Rexona & MNS at Belum-Temenggor Forest! I have Day 1 and Day 2 to share soon! just bug me for it haha.


  1. i love the freebies that u've got!!!

    and doraemon mozzie guard!! love it!!!

  2. the guardian lavender bath scrub is kinda cool too! very nice scent, with beads while bathing and scrubbing at the same time. Mozzie guard doraeomon is cute to bits! and i love the rexona naturals deodorant, anything using natural ingredients I'm realli likey!

  3. been there but never stay yet.. ^_^

    Nice view..

  4. cath j: u been to this place? how come! haha... dun mind me so shock..coz this my first time to this place! din know it existed

  5. akiki: thanks babe! got it at sale during Paul & Joe warehouse sales.

  6. waiting to see your adventure!!!!

  7. Dear Miu,

    You have become boring.

    I used to follow your blog for tips on products but now you only seem to write about a product when there are FREE endorsement - obviously only to YOUR benefit and THEIRS.

    You have obviously been bouught over by marketing strategy. Cliche. Bleaaaaargh!

  8. Dear Anonymous,

    I do apologized for the lack of blogging lately as I am really busy. Rest asure I only blog about the things that would benefit me in terms of its usefulness for me (product suitability, product launches (news) and whether a product is interesting or not). I rejected many product reviews and launches already. I am still being picky in what I use. For this I don't only write because it's free, there's no money for me to gain from wasting my time blogging. I still need to earn money from working, which explains the lack of updates from my own shopping life, which I share more casually on facebook T_T.

  9. i may be going to temenggor forest! hubby n me joined msia nature society, so there is a hiking gathering there!

    xoxo elle

  10. Paul & Joe Luggage! You bought it from Fragrance & Cosmetics warehouse or.. ? I want one "o_o


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