Try Libresse and Watch Your Favourite Celebrities Try New Things!

check out the Libresse website and get a sample!

|Because of free sample, I am now in Libresse website to try new things but hang on there’s a video on the main page by three celebrities? I see one is a cool woman somewhat shocked face while wearing a helmet with her hands on the steering wheel. The second is a lady in a helicopter showing thumbs up? The last TVC is two model like ladies in motor sports gear and helmet too. Now who do I choose to watch first? Definitely the first lady who seemed to click with me. She seems funny and expressive. I shall click on Adibah (her name as my mouse over the photo). I let the video stream and then suddenly I heard a loud SCREAM!

I turned to my computer screen; it’s ADIBAH DRIFTING IN A SPORTS CAR! And there she goes screaming again. I was laughing and holding my stomach. Thank goodness there’s a pile of tyres there to protect her.
Eh there’s a continuation on the video, it shows an adrenaline rushed Adibah getting out of the sports car and saying “THIS IS SO AMAZING!” but wait, suddenly in front of her there’s a truck (option 1) and a dummy (option 2)? I have no idea what it is too until Adibah says she needs my help and asked me for my phone number. Should I give Adibah my number? Okie I was curious so I did. OMG suddenly my phone rang asked me to press 1 for option 1 and 2 for option 2 on my keypad.


I press option 2! Which turns out to be…
TAEKWONDO CLASS? Adibah is in a taekwondo uniform with her Taekwondo Master. “ARE U READY” sniggered Adibah to the person she’s about to make chicken chop (well no lah to the cushion he’s holding). The Adibah is put to “chicken chop” cement blocks! Good luck woman. She takes a deep breath and go “HIYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAK” chop! OMG the cement really broke! At this point I was thinking what’s the connection between Adibah trying all sort of new things with a sanitary pad brand called Libresse? 

Adibah turns to me and say “Try New Things!” and here I am jaw dropped. This is the coolest tv commercial ad I have ever seen and participated! Adibah wanted my help, ask for my phone number and called me! I asked her to go TAEKWONDO and she enjoyed it! WOW! I will never look at a sanitary product differently again after this. In fact I am now filling up my details to get a sample! You’ll never know if you like it until you try it I hear Adibah echoing.

SecureFit design & Deep Flow Channel (DFC)

Now actually I am a Libresse product user (but I still want a sample to try other types). I have been using for a month and I must agree that I am actually loving this product very much. The fact that it’s comfortable and that it fits nicely on me (important to prevented leaks) is making a good impression in my choice of sanitary pads. Now I know why as I surf through the Libresse website and read that Libresse is the only brand that offers Secure Fit & DHC to bring you “Absorption is Nothing without Fit”. This technology is patented and its design trademarked.
I want to try their panty liners

 It’s hygienic to wear panty liners daily
Was at Carrefour that day and saw that the price of
Libresse starts from as low as RM 2.95 for a small pack
and as cheap as RM 5.25 for  a big pack

Hmm I wonder if they will send me samples of their panty liners? That’s the only product I haven’t try from Libresse. My mother advises me to wear panty liners daily, this is for hygiene purposes and well I believe it’s handy during emergencies too! Like spotting? I can’t wait to try this new thing, I may never know, maybe I will like it like Adibah says.


  1. Hey there, a job well done for your eye-catching post! Love it. You make me wana click and try on the Interactive TVC.

    It is the COOLEST TV COMMERCIAL FOR A SANITARY PAD EVER!!! Nothing beats Libresse yo!

  2. ah I want to try!!!


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