Shine Thru Your Eyes with Magic Colour! A Special Bloggers Review Session

A friend of mine recently asked me if I could help her out with a makeover review session and so I recommended her to host a cute and adorable mini gathering at Delectable Su, Gardens Mid Valley. My friend (name protected) wanted to invite beauty/lifestyle bloggers to review her color contact lenses. The interesting part was that it wasn't just any contact lenses review session. It's going to be super fun n girly!  The bloggers will get their makeover done, camwhore, have yummy cute desserts while having fun with their new dolly eyes. Thus this delectable evening is created, with cupcakes, cookies and contacts for the lucky 10 bloggers! Photographer, make up artist is ready to make them the cutest bunch in town! 

Please check your email girls, u know who you are. See u soon!

P.S: Do let me know if u got your emails and email the person in charge your preferred contacts lenses!


  1. u designed d e-invites? nice one!

  2. haha no lah not me... my friend :D

  3. tammy, this one is invited? can i join? when is it?

  4. Hi Tammy,

    I've received the invitation!! so kawaii!! RSVP me ya! but i can't seem to open their website?
    and should i reply the email to confirm my RSVP to the email add as stated in the invitation or i just confirm it with u? =)


  5. very cute theme imho!

    Chai Fung: i'm sorry :( she's looking for beauty bloggers who has been wearing color contact lenses. She got her selection already.

    Pink: thanks pls reply with your preferred models so I can update my friend.

    Ms. Pancake: hehehe.. i hope in future can do one for my readers T_T

    Liza: yeahhh... i can't wait to see the desserts!

  6. I want i want... next time include me ya Tammy!!!

  7. i better CHARGE up my camera~

    xoxo elle

  8. Dear Lilian, I try to include everyone if i can! just the selection is up to :( the organizers.

    Elle: charge it up baybeh..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi tammy,

    Ok here are my choices:
    1) Diamond Pink
    2) Blushy Green
    3) Dazzle Violet

    Both side power is 175! =D

    Thank ya! Cheers!

  11. woo wooow ooow....tak boleh pergi

  12. Oops.. I e-mailed your friend directly lol Everything from MagicColour is so cute lah! Even the song on the website lol

    I chose..
    Sparkling Ocean Aqua, Blushy Green & Dazzle Gray, power -6.00. Wanted to try diamond pink but looks abit scary lol plus dont have my power! T_T Will look at pink's xD

  13. Suddenly I wish I wear spec.. T.T
    have fun ya girls~~

  14. thanks tammy! for this fun invites!
    me big fan of colored lens @.@




    YOU SO ROCK!!!

  15. thanks to those who gave the preferred models, pls check your invite again and u can email a copy of the models to the email in the invite for confirmation of selection.


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