Talika Lipocils 28day Lash Transformation

my 28 day Talika Lipocils diary

I'm going to start a Lash Diary. Wait what the hoot is a lash diary? Okay it's just something I come up with because I'm testing whether my lash grow longer, thicker and darker after 28days. You know with all the miracle products out there saying they can make your eyelash grow longer in x number of days, I am actually testing one now which is the famed Talika Lipocils. I don't know anyone who has used it probably because it's not cheap to begin with to suddenly try something which might "grow" your lashes as opposed to just going for the conventional way of making your lashes thicker, darker, curlier or baby doll ish - mascara.

To begin with, I have really short eyelashes. Serious, it almost don't exist. Don't believe me? Take a look below. Now you know why I am trying Talika Lipocils, let's see after 28days how my lashes fare.

Talika Lipocils are priced at RM185.00.

day 0 - Before


  1. I did this review before. It works!! Have fun! Http://hazelong.com/?p=2733

  2. I'll wait for your result.. i wanted a long lash too... having short lashes is so not cool!

    1. u know.. i sent talika my before pics and they laugh at my non-existent eyelashes... hahahha!!!

  3. saw this product, not sure of the result and expensive that's why hesitate to buy.
    wonder if this works for eyelashes and eyebrows? if works, will definitely grab! :P

    1. I also hesitate to buy such items because fearing it might not work... but now they given me an opportunity to try it, I will! been applying day and night..hope it grows my short lashes

  4. Wow,so pricey,it's a good thing i don't need it,i already had long and thick lashes,lucky me :P

    1. =_= you're making me jealous.... !!!

    2. Ehehe,don't be jealous,just hope this product works for you :D

  5. I heard from a MUSt that it works.... Do share your upcoming result with us :)

    1. yeah friends said it works too, I'm waiting for my 28days to come! so I can compare a before n after :D

  6. I'm using Mavala lash growing... Shud try this after I finish tht....but it is sooooo tempting


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