My Nippon Paint Room Makeover!

Mission : room makeover

My boyfriend’s room is white, plain white. It’s been that way since we moved in for a year. It’s time for a change!!!. I wanted to do a room makeover not just for myself but for him too and his birthday is around the corner. How often is it that you can get a room makeover for your birthday? Probably in TV shows right? Well I don’t need a TV show and I will show you how I did it, Miu-Style!

Our room white, boring, blah

With what I learned from the Nippon Paint Workshop, I started thinking how I would makeover my room. Would it be pink? Would it be orange? I wonder. Colors plays an important role in our rooms, red would increase your heart rate, while pink would be girly or sparks off your creativity. My boyfriend has high blood pressure and heart rate. He often comes back home from work, stressed.

this is my canvas

Through the workshop, I learned colors can help lower his heart rate and blood pressure. so I decided to use brown which is a stable, harmonious earthy nature color. The color also matches the interiors of his room (black brown). With the advice of Nippon Paint’s color experts, I finally selected 2 colors:-

Walls - Nippon Paint Odorless in Cotton Flannel 3035P
Feature Wall - Nippon Paint Odorless in Rocky Nook 4013D

I choose: The Secret Garden

I wanted to do something different too, not just painting but something creative & personal like creative wall painting. This can help create a more surreal setting in my bedroom. Nippon Paint workshop taught me a few basic do-it-yourself (DIY) wall art decorations. It's so easy anyone can do it, even me who has never done it before!

The Makeover – Paint Your World
(in this case my bedroom)

Watch The Painting Process

half-way there it took only 3 hours to paint my room

The Finishing Touch – Creative Wall Decoration

Wall Art Paint :
Nippon Paint Odorless and colour- Daisy Petal 6013P

Stenciling Tools:
Manila Cardboard
Masking Tape for Stencils

Watch How I Do Wall Art Stenciling

Painting the Stems

Watch How to Paint the Stems


the fingers that was harm during process
(lol! lesson no.1 wear protective gloves!)

Before the Makeover

BEFORE my bedroom was just a plain white boring space. Then I wanted to do a makeover not only for myself but also as a birthday gift to my boyfriend. I decided to do a tranquil retreat using Nippon Paint’s neutral earthy brown colors that matches the interior of the bedroom. I added a personal touch by painting a wall art stencil by following Nippon Paint’s Creative Wall Art Inspiration guideThe Secret Garden. The entire process took only 1 day. Here’s the AFTER result of my bedroom makeover.

After the Makeover!

Happy Birthday Baby! I hope you like your new room!

Special Thanks to
-Nippon Paint Malaysia
-Uncle Alan, his son & staff
-Hurley the photographer for my final pics
-Wing for her constant encouragement
-And my boyfriend for sponsoring some $$ for room decorations.

P.S: I went to the Nippon Paint Workshop (click here to read about it) to learn how to makeover my room. I asked if anyone could guess what color I would be painting my bedroom walls and u all said PINK! BOOHOO!!! wrong!!! no prize sorry!!!


  1. u r most welcome..i did notin le...jus being kepoh...LOL

  2. Babe. no need glove, paint your nail at the same time! :p

  3. joey: haha omg.. u really siao!!!

  4. Hey, a great makeover.

    Such soothing colors and the "flowers" motif is just right, not too girly but gives the room a nice touch!

    Good job!

    p/s are u offering free decorating services anytime soon *wink*

  5. owh my
    so pretty!
    i wish i had a room makeover too :P

  6. so nice leh !! well done !! now ur room looks so lively. i hope my room is that spacious :( :(

  7. Lurv your new colour scheme! It's so warm & calming.. :)

  8. make over....ur bedroom is so spacious...

  9. so pretty, how u manage to move all stuff out of the room

  10. cai: lol... kepoh is also motivation lol...

  11. what a romantic gesture & touch~~ hugs*
    you did a fantastic job on your love nest!! your SO (significant other) would be very very pleased and full of warmth!!

    are those cotton flower?
    when am back from my trip i wanna visit your home !! for inspiration hehe

  12. cantik siot.

    you inspire me!!!!

    i will probably do something like that - but maybe with a castle or clouds (for my little girl's room)

    thanks Miu!!!

  13. Pigita: coming from a Ginger Spice, I'm so relief it looks different from the before makeover look. Haha.. heyy i am up to decoratin anyone's wall as long as I'm not responsible for damaging it!!!

  14. Lynn: thank u !!! i heard Dulux havin makeover campaigns and nippon also on radio, selecting ppl. Then GoodNight bed company collaborate with Eric Leong to do room makeover for winners also!

  15. Fatin: Thanks fatin! i like it too.. wish i have more money to decorate my room :(

  16. Jausten: thanks!!! it is spacious.. but i'm having headache by thinking what to do with the extra space @_@

  17. Sherry: Shopaholic's Secret Art of Making things disappear before your naggy other half finds out.

  18. Stellar!! so happy someone think of my art wall as cotton field unlike my bf saying it looks like sperm.

    Others wishing me happy giving birth already!!!

    T___T my house.. only open for viewin on my bday.. which u will be goin to HK to buy lush... ooh lush i wan!!!

  19. Kitty: hey babeee :D got a lot of ideas at nippon paint website! gee.. i forgot to link it to my blog.... easier to check the ideas. Check out redmummy, she paint her living room from red to orange!! pink stiletto pulak makeover her stiletto cupboard!! ^___^ a lot of ideas.. u know.. cheeserland did something that look like for kids room too and i saw she's holding the workshop art board!! (gosh i wan to take back mine too) kampungboycitygal did a sweet flower motif..under her window..oohh

  20. Classy! Miu, can I book u to paint my (future) room when I get married 2 years from now? Seriously, who needs overcharged, lazy painters when we have Miu?

  21. wow... it looked fabulous and the diy flowers are so cute~!

  22. Hanna u getting married 2 years from now?! woahh.. it's just my 1st time.. i am no pro!! nanti kena marah pulak by u later.. T_T buat salah. Haha.. omg.. your last statement is pure GEM!

  23. phatgurl: thanks thanks!!! ^__^ flower easy do loh.. round round only

  24. wow Miu you are so amazing ~ i love the neutral color !! it's so nice !!

  25. yjia: no la.. thanks to nippon paint help me choose colors for my bedroom after i give them my idea. I wish i can make into balinese room!!!

  26. Sooooooooooooooo pretty!!!
    u're an artist too huh??XD

  27. Wow, really nice colour combination.

  28. Jean: thanks! it's ok lah i think the earthy browns are a nice change.. i've always wanted a Spa kinda feel... (i not artist!)

  29. Edwin: Thanks :D now all I need is a put beside my bed.. haha!! then really perfect getaway in own bedroom

  30. wah sexy room paint look like sperm.....kekkekeke......sorry i must include some humsup=ness comment to it kekekkeke........good job ......

    tutu J

  31. hahah tutu.. i will paint ur room free also with this deco!!!

  32. wah so nais! makes mine pale in comparison

  33. urs better than mine T_T i wish i did flowers banyak banyak.. but my bf so the dam fussy.. this cannot that cannot.. =__= finally choose this design n he complain look like sperm. I think kampung boy won't say that about ur flowers!!! wuwuw.. wish i can paint so sweet T_T

  34. very nice and sophisticated.luv the brown base :)

  35. wish my camera as cun as yours.. then i can kill ppl with one pic!!!

    happy belated bday btw..saw ur bday dinner n bday haul..omg.. envy envy.. sek yuen, i been there! it's like old school chinese food right. My future mother in law crazy bout that place.

  36. woww!!nice nice!i like it too! if it's my room surely i dun feel like wanna go out anywhere. Hehehe...But my room now already cramped with my things until dunno where to throw...sighhh

  37. thanks cuna!!! :D come let me paint ur room.. hehe

  38. I really meant it! Seriously, in 2 years' time I bet you'll already be a pro thus I wanna cepat-cepat book you for my future home makeover~

  39. Hanna u're so positive n confident of my painting skills haha.. heyy anything for the bride to be!!! (so as long i dun need go JB u paint)

  40. Of course, by looking at all the lovely & classy room makeover pics, how can I not be confident? Honestly, the makeover doesnt suck at all (in fact soo pretty!)

    Nah, no need to go to Johore. I'm not planning to live in Johore for long u know. So 'd better get married and return to KL asap. =p

  41. u making me look at my pics again just to double confirm what u said is right. I can't sleep anymore tonight!!! haha.. up in the clouds.

    thanks so much for trusting me with your future bedroom walls!!! (Evil laughter) I shall beautify it (witchy tone)

  42. time for me to have some makeover :p hehehe been seeing the same colors since i moved in too ..

    u r very GING lor ... the artsy thingy is damn nice

  43. thanks Bryan :D no geng la.. u can do also, cut n paint use masking tape boleh. And nowadays got the sticker on wall.. more easy liao.

  44. I love what u did to the room..wish i can b tht creative and tht rajin....

  45. Hye Miu,

    Just dropping by...nice blog you have here...and you just inspire me to do the same for my room soon.
    Do drop by my blog kay...

  46. shopaholic: thanks dona, wish i got more money so i can make it nicer wuwu..

  47. zie: hi! thanks for dropping by :) r u plannin for a room makeover too? nippon website alot cool ideas to follow.. (copy lol)

  48. can miu i let u paint but u must be more specific for the shape of the sperm......make it more can everynite when look at the wall will remember u kakakakkakaka.....miu paint sperm on my bedroom wall how sexy is that.......

    tutu J

  49. KY: err.. din realize that until now.. it's too big .. very hard to decorate sigh..

  50. tutu j: oi u din reply my sms! r u comin my party?! i paint u one there n then ok!!! goyang goyang one somore

  51. hi miu,
    i like the color n also wall art. creative!

  52. honey: thank u honey ^___^ (copy from nippon paint wan... the art)

  53. I think your very thoughtful n sweet! so much thoughts into it like picking colours according to your bf's condition. I think this can make the greatest gift!

    p.s. no worries bout wad the painting looks like as long as it's nice ;)

  54. hi,new comer here...
    i really like to see wall art painting..
    your colour is very nice.
    after the make over,your room become so nice..and got feel..

  55. Very Nice piece of art work...
    Nice and simple..n you have a very huge room!!! :)

    I've linked you..Link back please..

    Thank you :)

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