Apron Bay, A Blogger & 3 Readers

we have arrived at Brazil girls!

Imagine if you were invited to get a Brazilian Wax at the new hip & stylish wax saloon, ApronBay at Jalan Telawi 4, Bangsar. What would your first reaction be? what would you be thinking? will pain or shyness stop you from experiencing something that some ladies swear it changed their life?  Well I have you know that doing a Brazilian Wax is in my "to-do-list" before I hit 3 ZERO. Take it from Samantha from Sex & The City, she believes in waxing and boy do they do her good in more ways than one!

Apronbay is a beauty boutique with an Air Travel 
concept specialising in brow design and waxing

pedicure anyone?

they do manicure too

beautiful ambiance & deco

Now I know you all think blogger's get all the fun and excitement of enjoying all things thrown to them, well hey sometimes it's just not about us anymore. Sometimes it's about others like our readers who not only just read, but gets to be handpicked to experience something beyond just words. This is my goal in blogging, it's a beautiful journey meant to be shared in more ways than one. Meet the 3 lucky readers who joined my ApronBay Contest to go on a beauty destination with me,  rio de janeiro way! (it means all off! serious). Savor their before Brazilian Wax expression below:

reader no. 1 Janoah, Kuala Lumpur
(a bit scared but nevertheless ready)

reader no.2 Nicole Siew, Petaling Jaya
(expecting pain, just look at her!)

reader no.3 Nicole, Petaling Jaya
(smiling away, ever ready)

Now did you see the amazing photos of the place? scroll up again if you didn't! The ambiance and decor of ApronBay is really cool. The guest hall is spacious with fluffy pillows, one can do manicure & pedicure there. There's a big flight map on the walls too while the treatment rooms are made to be like plane boarding doors! there's even the platform welcoming you onboard. The beauty therapist are in flight uniforms and when they stand next to the boarding doors waiting for you, you'd definitely remember the movie "The Sixth Element". 

step right in ladies

New York (Contemporary City)

Shanghai (Oriental Suite)

Seaside (Seaside Loft)

The Old World Brow Room (L)
Country Garden opening soon (R)

There's a total of 3 Waxing Rooms and 2 Brow Rooms (one of them will debut soon). The cool part about having your treatment done here is that you get to choose the room that you want. The girls were deciding on which rooms to choose and of course if I were to choose a theme room, I probably go for the Oriental room which is very Asian. They should add Amazon Forrest theme, with the lush greenery and nature, it would be "au natural" to those free spirited women out there. Of course, if you can't decide a room, ApronBay will surprise you instead.

many thanks to Ashley for this!

I will be doing a 3 mini part series on the 3 readers, all first time Brazilian Babies on their experiences with a short interview of how they feel before and after. Beginning with Janoah a law student from Kuala Lumpur, to Nicole Siew a budding make up artist and Nicole's Miror a sweet but adventurous girl as I found out! Many thanks to ApronBay's team of friendly and warm people Ashley, Hui Lin & Poh Lin for letting the girls participate in such a wonderful session together with me.

where is ApronBay?

Apronbay is a beauty boutique with an Air Travel concept specialising in brow design and waxing. The name, Apronbay, is coined from an aviation term describing a reserved area on an airport runway to embark or disembark passengers, refuel and to be spruced up for the next journey. And like its namesake, our shop Apronbay is a beauty stop where one can expect to receive the best in service and pampering beauty treatments…all in first class! So plan a trip with us to your favourite beauty destination!

6-1, 1st Floor, Jalan Telawi 4, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
+6-03-2287 8081
Opening hours:
11:00 am – 9:00 pm (Tues – Sat)
11:00 am – 8:00 pm (Sun)
11:00 am – 7:00 pm (Public Holidays)
Closed on Mondays


  1. It was a great experience!! =D Thank you Apronbay!!

  2. glad u enjoy the experience Nicole!!!

  3. wanna try...but takuutttt if it painful


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