Lights Camera Action! Futuromic Imaging Fair

so what is it about then? read on

It makes much sense that gadgets + women = men's dream come true or at least for men's magazine out there where the front cover of Sports Illustrated, Gadgets, Stuffs, FHM or any car magazine has pretty chicks modeling whatchamacallit. Another example is GTI Girls posing beside/on/in a nice shiny sports car. You'd probably slap your boyfriend silly for staring at them (well maybe for the jealous types only). Thanks goodness I didn't have to slam-dunk my boyfriend because I went to this really cool fair with a girlfriend.

Miu, Xavier (AX PR) & Fatin

Thanks to Xavier Mah, who invited me over to the official launching ceremony (22.10.10) of the Futuromic Imaging Fair at Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur. Xavier is from AX PR (Amber Chia & Xavier Mah PR) and a firm believer of online social media. Thought my initial reaction was "blog about camera fair?" which is kinda out of the norm for me because male bloggers tend to dominate topics on gadgets (camera one of them) and well female bloggers would probably settle for "camwhoring" photos on their blog (photos of themselves). Heck actually both sexes has so much in common, they both dabble in "photography" whether amateur or not.

22.10.10 Berjaya Times Square 3pm

Sales Director of Futuromic Photo AV S/B, Jeffery Ng

I didn't know what Futuromic was until this fair came up (sorry not familiar with the world of men & cameras). Apparently Futuromic is one of Malaysia's leading distributors of photography and imaging products for many popular brands like Nikon, Sandisk, Ricoh, Tamron & Mitsubishi and many more. Also well represented by dealers and resellers nationwide, all the products distributed by the company is showcased at this fair for everyone to see (22 - 24 Oct 2010, 10am - 10pm).

girls, gadgets, workshops, prizes

Many other activities were incorporated into the fair to make it fun and educational over the following days. One of the topics that caught my eye was the "Don't call it just a Point and shoot: An assignment with David Hagerman and Ricoh GRD III". Catchy right? Dance shows, performances, free DSLR body (external) and lens cleaning (argh I missed this!) talks and tips are one of the many activities to be on the lookout for at this fair. Lucky draw to win a camera (serious!) was tempting enough to make me rethink about purchasing another camera. Anyway if you manage to catch the models, check out their mile long legs and awesome heels.

not just any Imaging Fair...

I soon learn that this is not just any "camera fair" out there to make money out of you. They were serious about photography and encouraging art through the lenses. A man came to chat with us before the event started. I could tell he was passionate about cameras and photography when he asked about our cameras. Little did I know he was the managing director of Futuromic Photo AV Sdn Bhd. He soon took to the stage and talked about the Photography Grant Project "Giving Frames, initiated by the man himself. His vision is to promote the awareness and responsibility in worthy social causes through photography, a first of its kind grant dedicated to support photography related projects. He hopes many more Malaysian photographers to become a part of Giving Frames.

performances for everyone to go snapping away

the search for Ms Cutie, Elegant & Photogenic begins!

see them photographers go!

Now I know what an imaging fair is like and what it means to just hold a camera. A picture is worth a thousand words and I hope my experience would serve as the tip of an iceberg for more to come. Photography is truly a beautiful subject to partake in, one which requires more than just point and shoot.

Photography Grant Project :Giving Frames

The grant of maximum RM30,000 to fund production costs for a non-profit photography project. Recipients of the grant can be any Malaysian photographers, a non-profit photography society or institution, group or individual. The proposed project MUST reflect the grant‟s mission, which is "to inspire and influence others to a worthy social cause through photography".

Those interested to learn more or to apply for the grant can do so by visiting the company‟s website at or email

Upon selection the recipient has up to a year to work on their project. Images from the project may form part of the following year‟s exhibits for auction and printing of postcards to contribute towards the cause of the grant.

Tamron Group Facebook
Ricoh Group Facebook


  1. but the heels are amazing!

  2. i so agree :) Hi Miu.
    im your new follower.


  3. anonymous: haha... yeah the heels are nice, 6 inch i bet

  4. pee.pee, hey!! thanks for following me :) shall check your blog out toooo

  5. Thanks for following me back Miu :)

  6. hahaha no problem peepir! :) i finished my post already.. finally can sleep ahhaa

  7. babe, the search, who won ar?! i saw my fren in ur photos again. hahahah

  8. duno who won :( i din go on the results day.. wahalueh.. ur friend is really everywhere huh..

  9. tam, why din bring me go? wan meet hot chicks


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