Sunday Chores with TLC

I now pledge to only use TLC products for charity
(got this entire set at RM35 at Wevents workshop)

products used today at home

Many thanks to Wevents for organizing the love your body workshop yesterday at Studio V, One Utama. It was at this place that I was taken with the brand TLC (Truly Loving Company) and Julia Chong's heartfelt words from the bottom. Just minutes after the workshop, I decided to switch brands that I have been using for household products (cleaning) to TLC. All it takes is a switch of brand to switch on some hearts, so why not. This is my pledge :) for charity.

Julia Chong speaks about TLC

The Truly Loving Company was set up to generate long-term, ongoing funds to help the less fortunate in Malaysia. The company gives away 100% of its dividends to deserving charities. If you would like to your bit for charity, just use TLC's quality products in your daily life... it's that simple! 

TLC is available at Carrefour, Giant, Cold Storage, Jusco, Sunshine Village Grocer, Tesco and 99Speedmart. Visit The Brand with a Heart and their Facebook here. Charity Partners: Rumah Aman, Handicapped and Mentally Disabled Children Association Johor Bahru,  Hospis Malaysia, Shelter Home for Children and NASAM (National Stroke Association of Malaysia). 


  1. first time hear this brand..

    - ann

  2. Wow i didnt know that. I will start buyin them now! :)

  3. how is the products quality like.. can use or not..
    -tai tai

  4. Yay for charity ! TLC is doing so well in charity field ! *thumbs up !*

  5. hey thanks for commenting, i think the products are great to use at home and the money we pay will go to charity, at least :( we know we're helping a bit, to make a difference. Like the saying goes sikit sikit lama lama menjadi bukit, if everyone starts using tlc & share about it, in the future there will be a lot more ppl using.. and tlc could do more for the less fortunate.

  6. Doroshi: i also din know, i thought what is this tlc brand..tender loving care? and i thought it was just one of those WWF type of charity schemes out there. But as Julia explains, they really 100% give out to the charities. They don't earn a single % from it. All the money go to trust fund (hsbc) and the interest generated goes to charitable org each year to help them.

    This is really a good idea..

  7. Tai Tai: it's not bad.. i used the mop detergent yesterday, although soapy fast up in bucket, but the soapy don't stay and leave residue on my floor. Don't know about others but this is wat happen.. n i like it :) no strong chemical soapy smell on my floor.. i dislike strong scents on floor.

  8. Cath: like u... everyday.. u r so far my best commenter haha..keep leavin comments all the time!

  9. Anna: yahh! so good leh them.. i slowly slowly learning how our money in shopping, can help others.. even with small decisions.

  10. its good products at affordable price at the same time can help the under privilege. i m using it too. after julia chong's presentation me tearing a bit a bit... i fast fast wipe it lo... hopefully no one notice it ~ malunya >.<

  11. yeah!! i think i saw u very sad bcoz of this!!! lucky i also din cry.. the video presentation really.... i think if they start bring the children to the events, i really will cry already.

  12. Sounds great, definitely it will get my support!


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