Timeless Beauty with Artistry Time Defiance

beautiful place for a beautiful message

As I watch the koi pond at Khareyana Spa, I can't help but look peacefully at the kois swimming gracefully and beautifully around me. It is a wonder that I am standing here, in the middle of a beautiful place, hidden from the bustling traffic just outside. I now understand, why the organizers had chosen this place to show us their prized beauty. You may be wondering too as you're reading this, trust me I had no idea what was coming at me.

I love the beautiful surroundings

Glancing back, I remembered when I first got the e-mail from them inviting me to Khareyana Spa, Petaling Jaya. It was not about the spa you see, it was about the Artistry Time Defiance. What's Artistry Time Defiance? I had the questions all over my face as I was not familiar with products from Amway. Googling Amway Artistry, I soon found out that Artistry is the world's top 5 largest selling skincare and cosmetic brand is the beauty power brand of Amway. Over 35 years artistry has been dedicated to helping women shine with confidence and beauty. Also the official skincare & cosmetic provider for Ms America Pageant 2009. Fascinating? yea.

Artistry Time Defiance, Timeless Beauty

ageless skincare for ageless beauty

"Now you can get younger looking skin, without the worry of risky procedures. New Artistry Time Defiance offers the most powerful anti aging skincare system available. The exclusive advance cellular technology helps your skin act and look years younger.The Time Defiance system helps increase collagen and elastin boost hydration reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a virtual lift, face the future without appointments. Time defiance skincare, defy age beyond procedures" - Artistry Time Defiance.

Artistry uses the Derma Cell Exchange Technology
(stimulate, connect & protect)

their best seller skin refinishing lotion RM183

The jewel of the range is the skin refinishing lotion that you use twice daily on face & throat after cleansing and toning. It's also safe to be use around the delicate eye area. It is a mild exfoliant that's so gentle because its all-natural exfoliating ingredients - Sugar & Algae Derivatives, with Patented Oat Extract Complex, acid-free to effectively increase cell turnover. As we age, our cell turnover decreases and by the time we're 30, it would take 17-20days to do so! *dreadful*

increases cell turnover! I need this

Now what I love about this product is that the fact that it immediately leaves my skin feeling and looking smoother without using acidic type of chemical exfoliant to remove dead skin cells or physical exfoliant (scrub/sea salt) which can cause skin to reddened (inflame). This is really good as it's gentle and suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin like me. A light lotion-to-powder formulation to improve skin texture, perfect for those sensitive to AHAs, reduces appearance of fine lines & pores as well as improve skin texture and skin tone. Key Ingredients:

Oat Extract (non-acid exfoliant) 
Increases cell turnover
Improves skin texture and reduces the appearances of fine lines

Artistry Hydrolipid Matrix Nutrilite-approved Green Tea Extract
Helps to hydrate, smooth & protects against moisture lost
Antioxidant to protect skin cells

time stops when you see this

the beautiful spa room with Artistry Time Defiance

this is where I'm going to have my facial

using the Artistry Time Defiance skincare products

zen like atmosphere, even my age stops ticking

peekaboo, don't peek at me

Learning about the products weren't just the only thing that was in store for me (not just theory!) but Amway has arranged to help us relax, de-stress (decreases aging too!) and enjoy the products (practical session) in the best possible place ever - Khareyana Spa. I was given a full body aromatherapy massage followed by a luxurious pampering facial using the Artistry Time Defiance skincare products that left me feeling not only a few pounds lighter but also a few years younger! (muahhaa).

glowy smooth skin in just one facial
(I am not wearing foundation here!)

feeling happy, I was touching my face non stop

guess who came along with me? blogger Nicole
(her mother uses Amway Artistry! I didn't know that)

thanks to Amway for organizing this!

I bet some of you may have already used Artistry products from Amway or has heard about it? My friend who's already on the Time Defiance range (anti-aging) was telling me it was so good. I wouldn't have gotten the chance to believe her if it wasn't for this special arrangement. To be able to not only learn but also feel, on the spot right there about the products to enjoy immediate results, was something I truly hope others would also have the chance to.

I would be doing a few more post on the Artistry Time Defiance products as I was given a starter kit to continue experiencing the anti-aging skincare at home. Hopefully one on the skin refinishing lotion first soon. For those who would like to know more or purchase the Amway Artistry Time Defiance or other Artistry skincare products (Essentials & Pure White), you may contact Amway Malaysia via their website here or with an Amway Distributor. I would recommend Yvonne Lim  012-2362982 she's a qualified beautician & direct distributor for Amway products in Malaysia if you don't know anyone. 

Product & Price list of the Artistry Time Defiance

Cleansing Treatment RM129.00
Conditioning Toner RM129.00
Day Protect Creme SPF15/PA+++ RM163.00
Day Protect Lotion SPF15/PA+++ RM163.00
Night Recovery Creme RM163.00
Night Recovery Lotion RM163.00
Skin Refinishing Lotion RM183.00
Vitamin C and Wild Yam RM124.00
Intensive Repair Serum RM906.00
Wrinkle Relax RM116.00
3D Lifting Serum RM310.00
Lifting Eye Creme RM125.00
Artistry Essentials Moisture RM76.00
Intense Masque
Artistry Creamy Massage RM134.00


  1. Oooh nice that you got the chance to try Artistry Products. Sadly it didn't work for me and I even suffered a serious breakout =(

  2. i use the artistry time defiance, been working well for me =)

    - miss j

  3. Yo Candy, which range u use yeah. You definitely way way way sensitive than me :( need to go avene hospital resort. I read n see photos they spray u with avene water.. everyday for few hours.

  4. Tex: tool scam, interesting will read up :)

  5. Miss J, how long have u been using the artistry time defiance may I ask?

  6. Hi miu, I read reviews online on the skin refinishing lotion quite good. Hope to see u review it soon. The price is very expensive though.. It's toner? Or?

  7. the spa place looks nice! Wah can see ur skin glowing!

  8. Hi all, I am the Yvonne Lim miu referred to the post above.

    Candylicious Cat: Likely you have been introduced the wrong range, you need qualified opinion esp you have sensitive skin. The new Essentials Soothing Creme would be one of the products I would recommend for you.

    Tex: Been doing the business for 8 years and with the business spanning over half a century in about 90 countries and territories worldwide, I doubt Amway is a scam. :)

    Kitty S: The Skin Refinishing Lotion is one of our best sellers, it is a gentle serum which gives your skin a youthful glow, encouraging cell renewal on your skin. It is not a toner. Price upon request. :)

    My email is yvonne_lim@hotmail.com. Be happy to answer any questions regarding Artistry or general skincare and cosmetics. I also conduct facial and makeup classes for my customers. Thanks a mil, miu, love ya!

  9. Some of my schoolmates from marketing stream are Amway agent and they introduced Amway skin care to me many times. The product I wanted to try most ? Their RM1000+ LX Creme ! LOL...

    Btw that spa house looks so comfy ! *likey*

  10. AnnaYJia: Creme L/X is indeed an incredible product....no wonder you are eager to try. I use it in my facial treatments if I feel you need it. :) The results for such a premium product? Immediate!

  11. Yvonne: what's the Creme L/X? RM1k punya.. O_O platinum inside?

  12. Miu: The main ingredient inside is Cardiolipin....it's 30 times more expensive than gold....so you are right in a way. :) It rejuvenates the cells, allowing them to act 15 years younger. When your cells are acting younger, your skin will naturally look better! The creme is ultra fine and absorbs straight into the skin and acts on a cellular level. It's the ultimate anti-aging product especially when used with the Artistry Intensive Repair Serum!

  13. Informative blog post with relevant images.thanks for the share


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