Me Time Moment with Dove Chocolate

me time with chocolates *dreams*

They say chocolates makes you happy. They say chocolates are better than sex. They say chocolates are the best thing that happened to humanity (the girls at my office said that!). Quite interesting to listen to what people think about chocolate and why they eat them or when they eat them? Don't get me wrong, I don't worship chocolate but I do eat them monthly for a good reason. Whenever I get my pms, I would hurry off to 7-Eleven and check out the chocolate section. What's new would get my attention otherwise I'll settle for a chocolate bar just to curb my cravings. 

latest cravings curb by Dove *guilty*

My boyfriend loves chocolate but only eats them when he's stress. My friend Fatin on the other hand eats them whenever she can in any form possible (liquid, solid, and probably in gas form if its available). My  bff Buaya Wing just gobbles them before you can say chocolate. However, not many seen me eating chocolates in public because I only eat them when I am having PMS (don't ask me what's PMS!) which makes me feel slightly aloof and sad. Thanks to chocolates, they make me feel better, happier like in a dream state (high). Endorphins, is a Happy chemical released by the brain when eating chocolates. Some called chocolates the pain-killer too, perhaps when eating during sadness/pain/anxiety, it makes you feel better like me!

pick your favorite me time

My latest happy yummy one is Dove's latest chocolate bar! I got the milk chocolate, the dark chocolate, the crispy and the one with almond, hazelnuts and raisin to try. My boyfriend help me gobble them down. His first bite on my Dove Crispy Bar has this huge mouth bitesize shape on it. I thought it would be cool to snap a photo and show you his BITE! haha.

 crispy love bite by boyfriend
crispy crunchy time

Our favorite has got to be the Dove Crispy Chocolate Bar, it has loads of rice crispies coated with smooth velvety chocolate in a sleek silky metallic packaging. Can't believe I was just holding all four chocolate bars dreamily by myself at one moment, and then it was all gone the next! boohooo...sob sob.


  1. ^^ now after balik keja wanna go find this :)

  2. boldy, cantik or not my pic.. taken with canon 550d (my hubby) hahaaa

  3. Wow....must try...

  4. Wah.. The crispy crunchy one looks the tastiest x.x i love rice crispies! Must try when fever is gone x.x

  5. oh chocolate. I eat them almost every night.

  6. I can eat 3 crispies at one sittinng!!! Thank you to Dove I gain one kg ed!!!!!!!!

  7. i love all the pictures in here! so cuteeee!

  8. me love the crispy too..bfast staple since last week huhu

  9. gassy choccies sounds exciting!! lol!

  10. Ooo, I didn't know Dove was available in Malaysia (I was given a sample today at the LRT station). Do you still get the bars and where at if you don't mind sharing? Thanks! :)

    1. :) u can get from supermarkets and 7-11, but i don't know what flavors are available now


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