I want the Samsung Galaxy Camera!

the camera every blogger should have

The shopaholic in me is out of control this year. I think I have spent like RM20k on buying misc things for the home, for myself, and for friends. AND THAT'S JUST THE START OF THE YEAR! Moving into a new home requires so much shopping . I bought a Kenwood Breakmaker for only RM720 (instead of RM899), RM1280 set of Zwiling knives (that's on promo, it retails RM4k!), Clarisonic Mia RM530 (as a birthday gift for myself), a makeover for my blog (if you notice it looks different now) and many more on the list. I have so many wants and needs, but my latest is probably the one I am missing the most - The Samsung Galaxy Camera! 

Get ready, because photography will never be the same again. The Samsung GALAXY Camera gives you the magic of professional digital photography with the powerful intelligence of the Android Jelly Bean OS. It’s the smartest camera ever, with stunning photographic output and a range of exceptionally rich professional shooting modes, editing features and various apps. Going pro has never been this easy or this fun.

Thanks to Samsung Malaysia for letting me review this point and shoot camera that packs a punch! It's an android camera with a stunning touch screen HD display and 21 times zoom lens that allows you to capture fun moments, edit it on the camera itself and share it on social media! sounds like the dream camera to own for bloggers like me right? it's 16.3mega pixels oh yum. There's definitely hits and misses with this camera, but with its simplicity, functions and macro shots, I find myself itching to pay RM1.8k++ for this baby.

I so want this camera! not joking, dead serious

I'll tell you why I love it so much!

 reason 1 - the 21 times zoom is awesome
(helps to shot far away objects)

Johnson's Body Care Media Event Launch
watch this video to see the 21x zoom mode in action
and HD video quality recording
(though audio dims during zoom, which can be a cool effect)

2. awesome for social media addicts like me!
(android phone with apps! but u can't make calls)

3. James Franco makes it perfect
must watch video to see how awesome this cam is

4. point & shoot awesome pics with ease

 5. low light shots looks effortlessly easy
(just don't shake camera! pics gets blur)
my birthday dinner steak party at Meatworks

 6. outdoor shots will wow you with its vibrant colors
day out at Sg. Buloh nursery b4 CNY

 7. outdoor or indoor events captured!
(great for bloggers who attends events)
Too Cool For School Grand Opening Event

 8. shoot like a pro with fun modes!
(e.g like waterfall, action freeze, panaroma)
reviewing the Keratase Cristalliste
but the modes are best when you go travel
Stop being jealous of the pros with their big cameras, and start taking great shots. Like the perfect trails of light at night on a busy intersection full of red taillights. Or instantly capture a high-speed scene with Action Freeze. A quick tap of Smart Mode and you’re set with various special modes. Just choose the one you want and shoot perfection.

9. awesome beauty product shots 
(shot like a "Lou Sai" a.k.a Boss)
Laduree Face Color (Blusher) from Japan

(point & shoot like a pro without macro lens)

face scrub, body shower jelly & body scrub

macro shot of the products up close & personal

I'm not usually a gadgety person who talks from A to Z about pros & cons of a gadget review. You can get the information on Samsung Malaysia website or just go to Engadget.com to read! I am your typically dumb blond with gadgets so my review is basically quite simple (haha) and cut to the chase about what I love. This camera works for the simple me who don't know much about cameras. All I know is if I could point and shoot an awesome picture out that's almost pro like, I'm game! Sharing photographs online (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) has never been easier provided WIFI is connected! I can even backup my photographs to Dropbox. This works well if you have a good internet connection on, otherwise you'll lose your pictures in the process like me. I got really frustrated trying to transfer my photos to my Macbook! can Samsung make it easier? without going through downloading softwares to extract the pics etc. Start up and photo processing is also slow :O somewhat like using your android phone to take pics.

I find that the function modes are best if you're going on a holiday but judging from all the pictures I shared here, the auto mode is awesome & versatile! (once you get the hang of it). I wish they improve the image stabiliser on this baby, then it'll be even more canggih. When I first use the camera, most of my pictures turned out blur because I wasn't used to holding it and shooting it still especially under low light. This camera is amazing under low light! your shots are taken like as if they're indoors day time! love love love it.

don't forget to watch James Franco's video on Samsung Galaxy Camera! it shows most of the camera functions being used during a party e.g photo share, the instant viral using slow mo video captures, best face function (take group photos without problem) and share it all online at the same time.

Speaking about holding, this camera is hard to hold due to it's size! I hope with the second version Samsung will do something about it so it can fit into jeans pocket at least. It's hard to take camwhore pictures of yourself unlike the MV900F which I love so much too for camwhoring. Anyway with a bulky size like this, it's quite hardy! won't break or spoil easily (I know because I carry it everywhere in my back pack).

I really had so much fun with the camera and literally didn't touch my Canon DSLR until now.. which is sad because I paid so much for it!!! but now I'm in love with Samsung Galaxy Camera. Granted it has it's hits and misses.. but overall, the camera works great for me as a blogger on the run. Easy to use, social sharing, awesome shots taken.

comes in other colors too but most popular is white

Which color should I get? if I get the camera (hope fiance not reading this post or he'll slap me for wanting to add more debt to my credit card). I think white is awesome because it's like the signature color for the Samsung Galaxy Camera. Red is quite fiery and passionate but I don't quite like the metalic shine, prefer matte. Orange is wawawee cool and pops right out. I wonder if they sell orange here in Malaysia. The Samsung Galaxy Camera is on promo for RM1.8k++ at Best Denki. You can also find it at Samsung retail outlets or tech gadget camera shops like Harvey Norman.

P.S: my blog posts will be using photographs taken with the Samsung Galaxy Camera if you can spot it! sometimes I'll mention it at the end of the post that I'm using this camera :)

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  1. This camera is so cool!!! Love it... I'm thinking to buy one, too!~

    1. hope the price goes down.. muahhaa.. right now I think it's too pricey for a point n shoot digital camera.. but compared to the rest of Samsung's point n shoot digital cameras pricing, it's correct lah :( coz MV900F is RM1k

      samsung galaxy camera is cooler n has more functions to use

  2. Awesome review Tammy! I have one question, how is the camera with depth of field shots? Like focus on an object and the rest is blur effect :)

    1. there's a small amount of blur when using close up shots on auto, tengok laduree petal photo.

      I didnt play around with manual so no idea if manual mode might have the blur effects created or not..

      I admit.. i tak tau guna camera manual... point n shoot auto girl yeeeehhaaaa

    2. Oh ok, yea I see it, but yeah quite small amount haha. Thanks Tammy :)

  3. Replies
    1. thanks! it's kinda pricey but if works for your lifestyle, it's an awesome camera

  4. Hi, came along ur blog...and i just ran through ur blog posts, and i like u already =D I love the boldness and confidence that u have..i am adding u to my blog list and i hope to see more posts from u~
    just a random comment not related to this post though..
    have a great day~ ^_^

    1. O_O thank you for dropping a nice comment... I also like u already! muahhaa...

  5. i shall consider buying it when it comes out with a stabiliser function :p

    1. i can't live without it liao..for my product shots T_T so I'm going to save up & get one soon..

  6. red color so sexy!!!! will be happy if it is lighter. =x

    1. at certain lightning it can be pinkish :D muahahhaa ..

      yeah it's heavy, but not as heavy as dslr loh..

  7. omg it's awesomeeeee! lucky you got the chance to review :(

    1. review only, sometimes quite hard to review products if they're not good. Thankfully I enjoyed this one :D

  8. The moment when I calling the salesman to grabbing one (white color) for me, I saw the display camera (SGC in white) become yellowish and I asked him izit possible to wash it out and he replied me, no. I terus tak mau. :( As you said, other colors are nice but white is the best. >.<

    1. woah so it will become yellowish? so far my friend's camera use 6 months still white. If I'm getting one, I think it would be white :( black look too normal...

      Samsung Msia says there's only 2 colors at the moment, no orange or red! haih...

  9. Love Instagram but sometimes the low picture quality is annoying! This fixes that problem ^_^ but then price abit high =x

    1. can blog using this camera too! but will be hard to type the words..... haha

  10. Niceeeeeee. The waterfall function is cool and i do like your texture shots, in macro mode summore! Hopefully Samsung will add in a stabliser and make it pocket-sized for future models. But definitely a blogger's camera. Shud ask them to sponsor you ;)

    1. i decided to put the before texture macro shots pics to show how close up I can get. I hope they improve the stabiliser so many more people will fall in love with this camera! :D

      Loan me until i sien also can. I can blog using this camera until they take the camera bag

  11. Replies
    1. i want it now too!!! arghh... miss it.....

  12. great review! You even added your own videos. I am new to digital cameras and I really like the panorama function of this camera.

    1. hi thanks for your nice comment^^ I like to show videos in my posts. Will you be considering this camera?

  13. the macro shot sooo nice n clear!!

  14. Hi Good day i see your blogs and it was amazing its very helpful to me especially when im creating some new blogs if you want to visit my site if you want? here just visit im online camera store you can visit any time you want


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