My HCG Journey to Losing Weight

anyone heard of the HCG weight loss?

I don't believe in deprieving myself of food to lose weight. It's only temporary and worst the weight bounces back double or triple your initial weight if you don't control your diet. That's what happened to me when I studied abroad. Due to the sudden spike in Australian currency, I had to tighten my belt and eat what I can just to be full. That includes biscuits, donuts (yes believe it or not I ate cinnamon donuts everyday because they're real cheap in Australia), fried rice and bread. Couple with daily long walks to the University instead of taking the bus, I lost 10kg in less than 2 months.

Mediviron UOA in Cosmopolitan Jan, 2013

Now that seems awesome but when I got back to Malaysia, hell broke loose. I regain all my weight back in a year and continue to blossom thanks to lovely food like nasi lemak, roti canai & kfc. I couldn't recreate that weight loss episode again because it's seriously not easy in KL! Food is everywhere and I have no time to watch what I eat couple with stress. SO yeah I'm fat so what? is that a crime?

P.S it seems to be a crime for my fiance. I don't blame him, sheesh guys.

After getting engaged, I have decided that I just had to lose some weight in order to fit into the wedding gown and have pretty pictures of myself as a bride. I want to wear sleeveless poofy tube dress and I don't want to look like pooh bear in it. Plus hey... the wedding pictures last a lifetime and I can get pregnant and be pooh bear again (just joking).

Mediviron UOA, KL
image source: Mediviron UOA

Then suddenly while visiting Mediviron UOA for a consultation on (something else, not weight loss). Dr. Jasmine encouraged me to try the weight loss program called HCG. She says I am perfect for it (I got to ask her what she means). Apparently there's no crazy exercise involved, I don't need to starve, no pills or surgery. I won't feel tired, hungry or grumpy unlike most diets.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or hCG, is a naturally-occurring hormone that is produced and readily present in the body during pregnancy. Its production assists in maintaining progesterone levels, protecting ovarian function, and offering immune tolerance during pregnancy. HCG also mobilizes fat, allowing it to be utilized as an energy source. 

I can still eat lunch and dinner but following a special 500 calorie diet. That means lean meat, no fat, no oil, no sugar and no carbs!  I asked Dr.Jasmine, isn't that bad? because once I stop this program, I'm going to be a godzilla instead of a pooh bear! Dr. Jasmine says my body is still getting the usual calories because of HCG and because of that, the body did not go into starvation mode & pile on weight if I stop this program. Different story if I go binging on food like there's no tomorrow (sorrylah sure gain weight back). After 23days I can lose 5-7kg! plus the first 3 days of this program I can eat all I want! (I'll explain why in my next post).

 just examples of their treatments
(click for larger read)

Story cut short, I'm suddenly on the path to a healthier and better lifestyle under the HCG program. I have to inject myself with HCG everyday for 23 days and be on the HCG diet (you can google, it's quite famous!). The side effects? I become very fertile and can get pregnant, doctor says. I'm going to start a HCG Diary on my blog so I don't lose track of and it keeps me motivated to stay on a no fat, no oil, no sugar diet.

Read more about HCG from Mediviron UOA.

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  1. Is this FDA approved?

    1. Hi Jenny,

      I have the explanation from Mediviron on this :D here you go:

      while hCG is legal, the FDA does has not approved hCG specifically for use as a weight loss treatment. The FDA’s role is to set-up tests and recommend safety parameters of drug related products on the market. As an agency it is not in the medical business, but rather is a food and drug product governing body. Generally speaking, as long as a drug is safe to use, it is up to the discretion of the medical doctor to prescribe it for various conditions they are medically “trained to understand and know the application for”. The doses of hCG used for weight loss are minuscule compared to doses used for other medical conditions that it is approved for. hCG has been used “off label” (meaning not strictly in accordance with the use for which it was approved) and this weight loss program has been used worldwide

    2. Thanks for the info.

  2. ya food in malaysia is very tempting.... hahaha.. talking about cinnamon doughnut.. I am craving for it already!

    Anyway good luck in your HCG program :) quite interested in it.. whats the total cost for the 23 days program?

    1. :O it's not cheap though...depending on which package it range from rm2k++ - rm4k++++ somewhat like slimming center pricing but you have to follow a set of diet.

  3. Gambateh! As long as the diet consist of healthy well balance meals that's great. Do try out other exercises e.g. swimming or brisk walking. It helps to tone & firm up the body. Even 30mins. will do. :)

    1. yes thank you Vera for your encouragement! I will be going for badminton with my fiance (he's also one bear size) and walks around the neighbourhood in the evening just to look at house designs.

  4. Good luck babe. I wish u all the luck. When you success, my turn next. Lol

  5. cinnamon donut... didn't even think about it until i read it here... i was a fan of sugar craft cupcakes.... heaven.. AUD4 each at least!

  6. Wow this is interesting Tammy! Thanks for sharing! Might look into it heheh..

  7. overweight is the common problem of each and every person. all are suffering from excessive weight and no body likes to talk about this topic and depends upon more on fast food i have a personal experience with in i myself have more weight and i also can not stop eating and also can't talk about this i feel embarrassed in talking about this. and most person lose confidence after overweight to be able to lose weight properly, it is highly important to set goals and then work backwards from there on. This builds clarity as people know what they have to do, what they want to achieve, and what needs to be done to reach the final destination. The goals should be realistic and achievable, as setting inaccurate goals will make a person unable to achieve them no matter how much effort is put in. These goals should be measurable and checked against the actual progress made as well.

  8. I went for my HCG diet programme and lost 12.6 kg in 6 weeks! Call Timeless clinic 02-78808486 or google them up...the 6 weeks programme is about RM2,200.

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  13. What a nice and helpful and also very informative blog. Now days we suffering extra weight which is very harmful to our health. So everybody want to weight loss.

  14. My dear great HCG Journey to weight loss. Really extra weight is very harmful to us. I believe that every body will love this post.

  15. Slimming Sanctuary service is not as promising as compare with the first sign up. They just want your money and when they have more and more clients, they will not not attend to you and just feel that you appointment is ignoring. The place / room for treatment is not as expecting as when you saw in their flyers and advertisement. There is also kind of smell from the room that cannot make you relax. Kind of smelly thingy from the unwashed cloth. Gosh!!! So why waste your money on this kind of center ? Cheater and liars when come to consultation.

  16. Slimming Sanctuary service is not as promising as compare with the first sign up. They just want your money and when they have more and more clients, they will not not attend to you and just feel that you appointment is ignoring. The place / room for treatment is not as expecting as when you saw in their flyers and advertisement. There is also kind of smell from the room that cannot make you relax. Kind of smelly thingy from the unwashed cloth. Gosh!!! So why waste your money on this kind of center ? Cheater and liars when come to consultation.

  17. Hi Tammy, I want to ask if you manage to maintain your weight after HCG? I've just complete round one of HCG (28days) and manage to lose 4kg. It's been 2 week now and I am not on any HCG jab but I am still sticking to my 500calories diet, somedays I go to 800cal.. but problem is my weight
    stays stagnant and at time go up 1-1.5kg the next day. Imagine if I were to eat like normal say 1200cal?? I think my weight will continue to go up. Do you have the same problem?

  18. All the contents you mentioned in post are too good and can be very useful. I will keep it in mind, thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward for more posts. HCG Drops

  19. hii. anyone interested to lose weight by help of weight loss supplement, i recommended you a garcinia burner. i tried it before for two months and lost about 13kgs, by only consumed 3bottles of GB. so effective cause it also firm my fats at thight, arms and tummy area. you can visit my instagram account for positives feedback on this product. only wanted to share, thanks

  20. Hi dayang.. wanted to try garcinia.. any side effects?

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  25. A few HCG drops products come with a regimen, a weight loss tracker and a custom diet plan. Best HCG Drops Website There are 100's of for weight loss promising guaranteed weight reduction. But i am not sure how it can helps.. Any suggestions???

  26. Everyone needs a diet that is highly composed of vegetables in order to loose weight healthy. A lot of people have always eaten in this fashion. Some of the thinnest people in this world are vegetarians. Professional home health care

  27. When I went in to have my hydrostatic body fat test at the end of March, I weighed 132.5 lbs, a gain of 7.7 lbs in 4 months. Out of that 7.7 lbs, 7 lbs was muscle, so only about a half lb of my weight gain was fat. This put me at 25.91% bodyfat, which if you’ll notice is actually now a smaller bodyfat percent than at the124.8 lbs I was 4 months prior because of the high amount of muscle gain with almost no fat gain. So I actually maintained 99% of my fat loss from the diet plan during that 4 months, despite “gaining” almost 8 lbs, not to mention all the fat I lost from round 1 as well.
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