Cindy's MADAGASCAR 2 invites & giveaways!

click the image if u wan 2 win tickets too!

OMG I am so thrilled to know that not all the tickets are gone by now because Cindy has just become my Malaysian Dream Girl! She still has tickets & even a cute giraffe t-shirt to give away! And all I have to do now to qualify is is... like what Cindy says:

All you have to do is to blog about what ANIMAL would you love your boyfriend OR girlfriend to be, in BED

This is embarrassing but I'll do anything to get invited! >^_^<

What ANIMAL would I love my boyfriend to be, in BED?

Well I'd like him to be a cute tiger cub? Just like this one from hurley'z site (note without me Hurley won't even be taking pics with a tiger cub alright! where's the credit man? hate hurley n joyce now)

hurley borrow me your tigercub pic ok?

Well if my boyfriend was a tiger cub it'll be so cute and adorable I could squeeze the beejesus out of him every night *cough cough* I meant day. I'll be his "mother" and nurse him till he grows up to be a manly tiger and yeah he'll HARI HARI MAU ok! NGgauumm!!

Ok this is seriously the first time I'm sounding so kinky for a contest. Am I going to be jailed for this? If I am kindly put me together with the "hariharimau"! winks ;)

OMG I WANT GIRAFFE T-SHIRT!!! got my size or not? i need plus size!

Side note, if my boyfriend is a "harimau", then besides the exercise I get to marry a Maybank too right? This is definitely the best wild animal! ngek ngek ngek...


  1. you are SELECTED!!! :D

    thanks for the COMPLETE email. *xoxo* ;)

  2. Copycat lah! Dare to take my pic sum more! I don't think they have plus size T-shirts made in the 1st place...haha!

  3. where got copy u lah! so many ppl choose tiger lah!! perasaan betul hurley!!

    borrow ur tiger cub pic nia ma!! give u credit liao woahhh

    dun so blackheart lah to plus size people!!! later we stomp on ur door!!

  4. Jamie is getting a good kick out of this! now play nice Miu and Hurley! and if she copied off you then Hurley you got issues or do you like your nipples sucked on oops did i say that out loud! He he he he he he he you guys are so great or Hurley is more kinky then I would figure him for!!
    Although Did Cindy tell what her bed mate would be shes cute and all better check it out myself!
    Nice to have you back!

  5. i loike ur entry...very original... :)

  6. didnt write in as work commitment nowadays is too much

  7. jamie i didn't copy him!

    but i must agree, he's more than what meets the eye (did i get that correct??)

    in person he looks so geeky but when night falls.. he wants to like what u said "nipples sucked" on.. thingy?? hahaha..

    cindy did mention in her blog she wants a parrot as her bedmate!

    Dazzlyn: i so love u now.. !!

    johny: u got a life, we don't.. I'm proud of u!

  8. Loved the 1st Madagascar can't wait for number 2 to come out


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