Free Hair Cut & Hair Coloring worth RM 200

lmc saloon & academy

free haircut at LMC!

OMG I just received an e-mail congratulating me for being the top 2 contributor to ( a shopping & sale site). Actually I didn't even know there's a contest going on and as John always inform me about the site, I went there to just input some warehouse sales report and information. It's actually very cool, they have a price report tool and a blog input tool where we can report our shopping experience viz. our blog. Because of that I am getting a Free Hair Cut & Hair Coloring worth RM 200! so to u girls (or guys) shopaholics! let's input our feedback & sales report (and our blogs) to and maybe win some free stuff too!

check out the announcement below!

Warehouse Sales, Clearance Sales, Discount Voucher, Hidden Discount only at

Dear All Member,

Firstly, we would like to thank you all for contributing in comments, price reporting and report a blog hyperlink. Your contribution benefits thousands of shoppers that visit on informations such as if the discounts & promotions is real promotions or rip off promotions. Many shoppers also get to know what other shoppers are buying and how much did they bought the product for.

Recently, we have been working hard to help our members promote their blogs. We have added a blog link section in all the discount and promotion page as well as at's main page. If you have a blog, and you happends to blog an entry related to shopping, please add your blog entry in Our visitors like to know what did you buy recently, what sales & promotion you buy recently or what special promotion you found recently.

Lastly we are pleased to announce that the winner of September 2008 Contribute & Win Contest is :-

Tammy Lin (Username : tammy)

Nancy Chen (Username : nancy)

Thank you for their great contribution to help others be more informed about the discounts and promotions happening around Klang Valley.

Reminder : This contest is open to all members only. We provide top priority to our members first so if you are not a member yet, please register now. Don't worry, the membership is still free.



  1. wah, me so green with envy. so more today wear green. cih....

    anyway, congratulations....

  2. Jamie thinks how Sweet I have not paid for a Hair cut or Hair colouring in a long time I usually do it myself! And if I find the time I will shave!
    Looks like a great place to shop don't forget lots of photos of you, mom and sister! photos story yes photo story!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. not bad my fren ..... bloggers are really getting recognised lately


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