Metrojaya Warehouse Sales 23-27/10/08

I wasn't keen on this warehouse sales which is held at Shah Alam (so far-lah) until Dee (a shopaholic like me) sms "THERE'S STILA AT THE WAREHOUSE SALES!". She got me at STILA and that night I regretted that I didn't go on the opening day 23/10/08. It's impossible anyway to go on a working day! I can't be taking leave to just go warehouse sales. So the next day, my colleague and I decided to go right after work 5pm from TTDI to Shah Alam. BAD! Friday night's JAM was so bad (7pm I left the stadium), the traffic was crawling bumper to bumper at Shah Alam (from Stadium) to Federal Highway. I didn't bring my camera as I was worried it will be snatch from me due to the large crowd, BUT I went again on SATURDAY MORNING and manage to get a fews pictures to show :)

stalls outside with sales people trying to cash in
on the crowd Metrojaya warehouse sales is pulling.
There's Proton, ice-cream, food stalls,etc on sale!

I only had an hour to shop on Friday night as my next appointment is at 8pm. On my shopping list is STILA (first priority) and then helping Dee & Tubby get their perfumes & cosmetic. They called & sms me what they wanted. It was hard trying to shop in that pack sardine stadium. I had to wait 30mins in line just to get into the Perfume & Cosmetic area. When I finally got in, I had to bumper-to-bumper with other shoppers to see what's on sale. The perfumes weren't my taste. A lot of brands from the Corus Hotel warehouse sales and a few good ones like Issey Miyake, 212, I heard there's CK but I didn't see any. The sought after branded perfumes were gone fast as the quantity offered weren't enough to supply a whole stadium of shoppers. From the price list, one can gauge what's left and what's the price at stake :)

See the nightmare crowd?

The pics were taken when I was Q-ing up to go into the fragrance & cosmetic area. I even turn behind to take a pic of how big and long the Q is. On Saturday morning worst. There's a 3 Tier Entrance Q into the stadium, and a huge Q into the Fragrance&Cosmetic area. I waited 40mins just to get in again to help Widuri, Tubby, Catherine & my boss buy some items. My boss actually went with me but when she saw the 3 Tier Q into the stadium & was even apprehended for trying to go in via the KELUAR/OUT way, she told me it's just not worth it to shop in a sardine sales and went home. Luckily my brother was already inside & he sent me back home to TTDI :D

As soon as I got home, I snapped pics of my buys! well my pc is being repaired so only today (Sunday) I could blog about this. SO WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY get ready for some eye candy girls!

Issey Miyake Summer 100ml - rm100!
help buy 2 for Widuri (Fatimah)

help Dee buy JPGs! 2008 manufactured!
Summer Male 125ml rm100
Summer Female 100ml rm100
(note on the 3rd day it was reduced to rm80! darn)

Tubby wanted Carolina's 212
rm120 - 100ml

Bvlgari Gift Set rm110
75ml edc & 200ml lotion

(skye bought over)

Tubby wanted Stella in Two set rm100
(75ml perfume and 50ml milk lotion)

Spring Eye Shadow Trio rm60

Look No. 2 & 3 rm60
(3 eyeshadow 1 cheek + 1 lip gloss)
note: the IT lip gloss is being sold for rm30 at this warehouse.
Initially I grab a lot of it but then figure that if i buy the pallete that
comes with it, it would be a better buy!

lipsticks for Catherine rm25 each
colors: Natalie & Dominique

stila petal infusions scrub rm40

lots and lots of stila!
liquid spf 15 foundation rm50
lip glaze berry rm30
brow warm rm30
pon pon gerbera rm60
petal infusions scrub rm40
(but sat reduce to rm30 damit)

palletes no. 2 & 3 comes with lip gloss rm60
spring trio eye shadow set rm60

lipstick rm25

Saturday was the LAST DAY FOR COSMETIC & FRAGRANCE COUNTER. So some brands did a further reduction on their items like JPG Summer Male, Female sold for rm80 (selling like hot cakes) Kenzo Leaf rm40 only for 100ml! Cosmetics also further reduction! but neh.. I already bought so much the day before. I can say this was really worth it! (stila) and the perfumes although not my taste, I say they're extremely WORTH IT! I don't see many 100ml perfumes being sold for around rm100 more or less! and these perfumes are not OLD perfumes! some are as new as 2008 release! Loreal's warehouse perfume price is the most expensive i think! small small already near rm100. In this metrojaya, big ones are going for that kinda price! worth the crowd! hempit pun tak apa.

That's it. No more shopping until Year 2009.

(the pink box is pon pon gerbera)


  1. Hey Miu

    Tks for sharing the details and also the photos inside the warehouse sale (though they said cannot :) hehe)

    We've just added u to our snsBlog

    See ya
    :) SNS

  2. you sure won't go any shopping till 2009? you know the sayings, old habit dies hard? or you can't change a leopard spot? (or in your case, tiger's stripe?) i betcha that if there is a sales coming along, you will go and buy yourself loads and loads of perfume that you can even swim in or loads and loads of cosmetics that you can make up like a geisha girl, just don't switch off the light, otherwise, we will see only a white face, hahaha.

  3. my lovely miu..
    thanks a lots for buying me d parfume..
    all my officemate sooooo jealoussss.
    heheheheh..its working time at RAPID KL n ive got issey miyake..huhuhu..
    thanks again-widuri

  4. Jamie can trust that the sun will rise in the morning and set at night and Miu will find out about and go to a warehouse sale! constants in the universe! did you not know that Thomas to think she would just quit the world would stop spinning and gravity would no longer exist!

  5. Tammy, Skye here ... let me know if Tubby dont want the Bvlgari perfume ok. I want...

  6. 我不知道你会看华文吗?(我的英文不好)
    可是你的SHOPPING分享决对是令人快乐的。所以忍不住称赞你。谢谢噢! from:小提琴

  7. hi miu!

    omg~ look at all the items that you got! :) me jeles liao~ i went to the zara and mph warehouse last sunday too... :) me happy cos bought lotsa books. i will blog about it soon~

    p/s: ofcos i won't mind - cos i linked u up to my blog too~ :)

  8. miu, another designer clerance u shouldnt miss!

    club 21 Designer Clearance Sale:31st October - 2nd November

  9. jeles too....but me can't stand 'claustrophobia'....

  10. wow wow wow wow!!!!

    i am soooooooooooooo damn jealous with u!!

    but me too, i cant stand crowd. i'd faint.. isk =(

    btw, what's in that stila pink boxes? looks yummy! heh. izzit eyeshadows?

    haihh...lucky2 you larh!!

  11. mei wah: wow faster blog i want to read about zara n mph! i didn't go.. due to $$$$ out to stila T_T

    dazzlyn: yeah my boss also scare n run away... i think make a durian@ thorny pants and clothes go is best to ward of those pushers.

    shaz: wahahha girl.. i know u r crazy bout stila too! but u know 1st day one better.. i went on 2nd day night (lagi teruk) and the crowd.. ish.. no need to say. The pink one is Pon Pon Gerbera :D i've updated my blog with a pic of it u can take a look.

  12. i bot 2 perfume for meself, 2 for my mum, 2 for a friend, an eyeshadow pallette from maybelline and 2 eyeshadow and blusher form elianto. and i still want more perfume. gila ramai orang

  13. i dun understand chinese sob sob

    swit: ramai orang! i agree..gilanya..warehouse...stress

  14. miu... r u sure no more shopping till 2009? sure ah? really2 sure?

    p/s: its dee btw.. u rawk girl! thx sooooo much.. muaxx :)

  15. err... T_T *cry*

    dee, me free today 5-7pm if u wan collect yah. Come c what u want from the stila.

  16. Hi Miu...

    Do u want to sell ur stila look 2 /3? really love those...

  17. Hi Miu, i'm interested in Stila's...where can meet u to see wat's left?

    my email =



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