Free Handbag Contest by Handbag Planet

I've been receiving a lot of e-mails from people on this free handbag give away. It seems HANDBAGPLANET is giving away 24 handbags in 24 hours to people who register to win and their chances of wining also depends on how many "contacts" they can submit to this website. I've never heard of this site before and I tried all 3 methods of increasing my chances to win a handbag.

There's 3 options and all 3 can be used as well. First, submitting your email contacts to them by typing in or just logging in your email account via the same window (how safe is this anyway? will my email account login & password be encrypted and used?) I hope anyone joining would becareful of this option. Second option is to be their fan through myspace/facebook/twitter. Last option is by blogging. Although I am not familiar with this site and it's "marketing gimmic" to get more contacts/traffic, I hope it's a genuine site that is launching super cool handbags and is really giving away 24 free handbags to its fan.
