Sugary Sacharinly Sweet

Sorry I stole the topic words right from Uncle Frog's blog which I thought matches what I am about to talk a bout! Uncle got a birthday present from me and cheesey man turn artist a.k.a Hurley. A special something we wanted to give to him for the 8 months of knowing him through this special project by The Star called AMBP. It was a small token of appreciation for the kind thoughts uncle frog has always put in for both of us. Althought he's a bit grumpy nowadays about being old, his time's goin to be up (he's only like.. middle 30s or something!) we feel that this Aztec warrior infused elixir of youth would make him feel more like our age so to speak. I hope he's spritizing it every morning, every 2 hours (coz it's edt sob sob), and every time his wife turns to look at him with that loving stare (oh la la). Happy Belated Birthday Uncle Frog! 


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