Tidy & Neat Coupon Code EXTENDED!

I received my tidy&neat bags today before lunch!

"siapa cepat dia dapat!" first come first serve

Due to the overwhelming response orders from Plusizekitten readers, Tidy & Neat had a Emergency Meeting after the coupon code for RM5 rebate reached its quota and orders were pouring in still. GOOD NEWS! Tidy&Neat Bag Organizer has decided to extend the rebate promotion to us all until 20th June for a further 50 bags (a bag = 1 person only). U know what this means! if u want the bag and want the rebate, you gotta order before the rebate reaches its quota! Afters which there will be no more rebates anymore *sad kitty face*. Click here to get the coupon code.

P.S: The bags look as good as the pictures! arrgh...


  1. Does it really comes with the heart shape cushion thing?

  2. no hehe.. that's just for me ^__^ coz i blog about them..

  3. oh my! i cant wait to get mine deeee excited betul!!!

  4. hoe to order..(^.^)


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