I raised funds for a KFC Party & More for The Good Samaritan Home

organizing a kfc party for orphanage home

I'm writing this post because I would like to share my good deed for the Blackmores 80 Deeds Campaign that's going on now until 4th Dec 2012. It dawned on me that I never blogged about the charity campaign I organized and manage some time ago. I still remember that day until now because everything that happened was magically done. I think God's power was at hand for everything that happened and the people he sent to me. How did it start? All from Facebook.

Good Samaritan Home in Klang

Back then, I heard about the orphanage in Klang called The Good Samaritan Home. Knowing many orphanages in the Klang Valley actually received much attention; I thought to myself why not go further and do something good for a change. Life is not just about receiving but also giving. I wanted to throw the children a KFC party and needed to raise funds for it. I didn't expect my suggestion to be well received by my friends on Facebook, blog readers and also strangers whom I never met before. Friends in Facebook shared my call for donations to fund the party. One by one I receive messages to make a donation.

kind souls donated new clothes for the children
to wear on Chinese New Year

2 boxes of mini cupcakes baked by Belinda Jee

food, toys, soaps and even handmade dresses

Soon it wasn't just eating Kentucky Fried Chicken because I asked a friend if she would volunteer her services to make the day colorful and fun by face painting for the children! She could not paint 36 children in one hour, so more people volunteered to help her out. What started out, as a RM20 fundraiser for a party soon became a donation drive where people donated Chinese New Year clothes, soaps, cupcakes, T-Shirts, stationary packs and ang-pows! Malaya Optical also supported this fundraiser by sponsoring children who needed eye wear (worth RM600 each). Blogshops, boutiques and clothing company started helping out too. Below is the list of people I wish to give thanks to for contributing their services and goods in kind for this charitable event:
  • Stacey Lee, Chu Fan & Yvonne for face painting activities
  • Ryan Ho, Malaya Optical for sponsoring frame+glasses for the children
  • Johnson & Johnson for sponsoring t-shirts for the children
  • Cute Cute Baby Facebook Shop for sponsoring CNY Clothes for girls and boys under the age of 8 years old
  • Maison De La Mode for sponsoring the teenage girls CNY Clothes
  • Lil' Lamb for tailor made dresses for girls under 8 years old
  • Peppy-Perky for sponsoring jeans/pants for the young boys
  • Koon Liang, professional photographer from I Like Shooting
  • Absolute Wardrobes for sponsoring teenage boys t-shirts
  • Belinda Jee for the beautiful cupcakes & donated items in kind
  • Rina Neoh, Ivan & Chu Fan for stationary gift packs
  • Cynthia Khoo for special donation
  • Readers and friends who donated to buy chocolates & clothing for the children
  • Cai Xiu Xiu, Chea Yee, Joey, Yvonne, Min Ee, Ken Bee, Camie, Carol & Catherine for volunteering to car pool, carry the boxes of donations, taking care of the children on the charity day from KL to Klang.

t-shirts from Johnson & Johnson

Malaya Optical sponsored all the children who needed eye wear

demanded that Chicky (KFC Mascot) be present

With the donations I collected, a friend put in a deposit at the nearest KFC from the orphanage. I kept in contact with KFC via e-mail & phone, asking specifically that I wanted a big party, upstairs for a group of 50 pax. I also made sure that the KFC Chicky Mascot would make an appearance for the children and that games, goodie packs would be given out as well. A birthday cake surprise children's birthday that fall on that month. I can be quite a pain when I am demanding everything to be perfect.

volunteers arrived in the morning from KL
(Far Left) Koon Liang (official photographer)

all the lovely volunteers who helped me on that day

arrived at the orphanage home after an hour

donations were carried out by 4-5 cars

Our journey started in the wee morning from Kuala Lumpur, about 5 - 6 cars convoy together to meet at Klang carrying boxes of donations that I collected within a week from generous souls. My story is a long one, which I will tell in a series of photographs (mostly taken by a professional photographer friend who volunteered to help). I hope you enjoy reading and the photographs taken from that day. What was initially a harmless thought, turned into a mountain of love and hope for not only me but also the orphanage home in Klang.

that's me wearing red, the dress code for the day

 Wing showing the children what chocolates they get

giving out merci chocolates to the children

getting to know them
extra funds raised were given out as ang pows to the children

my first time meeting Rinah, a business woman

Kenby (L) who helped me put a deposit for KFC Party in Klang

 my mother design & tailored party dresses for the girls

the boys picking their jeans & shirts to wear

 they're all ready now with their new clothes!

let's go to the KFC Party!!!

welcome to the Ocean World Birthday Party!

arrived at KFC Tmn Sentosa for our party!

 children having their Chicky Meals for lunch
 oh nom nom nom!!!

Stacey lead the face painting team with her child friendly paints
Shu Uemura's Black Book make up artist Chu Fan asissted
Yvonne Amway make up artist joined in the fun to help

*it seems make up artists are naturally face painters!*

 the children getting their face painted

 check out their cute faces being painted!!!

the boys are a bit more "imaginative" with their choices

joining in the fun Rina & me lol

body painting upon request!

I'm so happy to see that the children are happy

both cute & adorable they children with their face paints
(was a really good idea to have this activity)

children having fun at the party dance room

are they looking at each other's face?

birthday time! let's cut the cake!

omg here comes Chicky to dance & give out prizes!
(also also free hugs)

look here everyone! we need a group photo to remember!
(even Chicky Mascot is inside)

I could go on and on about what happened that day, maybe if anyone wants to ask for advises or how I planned this event, you can drop me a comment here and I will be glad to suggest or share my ideas. After all, the smallest of a good deed will grow into a bigger one when you put your heart and soul into it. I would like to again thank everyone for helping to make this possible and to God for giving all the miracles in life that even in Facebook, good things can happen.

For more images on the charity event, click here for Koon Liang's facebook media album.

share your good deed today with a story or a picture

The Blackmores 80 Deeds Campaign 2012 is now open to all Malaysians from 4th Nov, 2012 and will end on 4th Dec, 2012 *extended* 14th Dec, 2012. The Grand Prize winner will receive a 2D/1N stay at Avillion Port Dickson and a Blackmores hamper worth RM800, while the 2nd to 8th prize winner will each receive a Blackmores hamper worth RM800. For more information, please visit Blackmores Facebook at www.facebook.com/BlackmoresMalaysia. All participants must post their deeds online at 80years80deeds@blackmores.com.my or via their social media platform of choice to be in the running for the prizes.


  1. KFC tmn sentosa! Just a 2mins driving distance from my hse! So now u know whr I stay.. :D btw, I went to the orphanage home b4 during cny.. The kids r pity.. :( we shd be blessed with what we have..

    1. yeah :( my heart goes out to them, hope they're receiving more attention this year...

  2. Great work ! Seeing the smiles on the kids faces is worth all the hardwork you put in.

    1. thanks Sri! it was an unforgettable event, tiring but worth it

  3. Yeah...I still remember the event....we did have quite a lot of fun....I still feel sad thinking about the two little girls in the orphanage...so sad to think how cute little darlings like them could end up there. :( Anyway, good of you to organize the event...take care and count me in for future events like this! :)

    1. yeah the lil girls are grazing the photos that day, simply adorable. I hope they're adopted by loving parents

  4. Yeah, I still remember this event. woot woot!

    1. yeah :) send in a pic of yourself lah for the contest

  5. I just send in a photo to enter for this contest. =)


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