Talika Lipocils & Black and My Lipocils 28 Days Journey

can one get longer lashes in 28 days?
(believe me when I say my lashes were shorter than this!)

It's finally time to reveal the results of my Talika Lipocils Expert 28 days journey! If you haven't heard about the famed Lipocils, then let me tell how I discover it. Two years back I heard a friend who recommended me to try this product when I asked how I could grow my lashes without having to put on mascara or false eyelashes to make it longer or noticeable? My friend told me about Lipocils and several other brands in the market (which there is not many mind you, and they can cost up to RM300). Then there was Lipocils and one can see results after 28days of using it. I didn't quite believe that it would work until recently when I was asked to review it.

longer lashes in just 28days

I did some research and found out that there's a claim about lash serums having side effects on our eyes. However Lipocils on the other hand is safe to use and has no side effects. I have been using it day and night for 28 days and my eyes didn't drop out, go blind or become bald (lashes I mean). Also I notice it does not sting during application which is a great thing because my eyes are sensitive to cosmetic products. It'll get irritated and itchy. A reason why I hardly use mascara or eyeshadows, but I long for longer looking lashes so I can have seductive looking eyes.

The application is simple. Lipocils Expert has a double applicator made of a mascara brush and a sponge applicator. Use the sponge applicator to apply the product on the eyelids, at the root of the lashes, tehn, use the brush to apply on your lashes. Apply every morning and every evening for 28 days, then once a day.

Made from a blend of natural actives since it was invented in 1948 France. Lipocils became popular and innovated throughout the years to suit the demands and needs of ladies everywhere. Having said that, I'm going to show you the latest product from Talika Lipocils at a recent event that I attended. 

me at the Talika Lipocils & Black event
photo credits: chocolatecatsz

wedding venue anyone?

this is Zebra Square! it's my first time here

weddings, functions & fashion shows held here

somehow the zebra fits so well to the theme

introducing the Lipocils & Black!

Yes there you have it. The latest product from Talika is the Lipocils & Black! it looks so futuristic with the silver and black glossy product. The caps transparent. Feels like a weapon from say a sexy alien movie. Oh you'll see lots of pictures of the venue in this post because it's just so beautiful! Called Zebra Square (what a unique name and perfect for Lipocils & Black theme), this place caters to wedding functions, fashions shows, private functions and also provides food when you're hosting events here.

this hall has a beautiful garden inspired ceiling!

generations of Talika products being displayed

speakers of the day from Luxasia & Talika

Ms. Sina Deubner from Talika Hong Kong
(she's a sweet lady who told me lots about Lipocils)

started from 1948 & has since grown 

2012 the birth of the latest 2 in 1 product
treatment + mascara

grow & impress at the same time

watch this video for the Lipocils & Black introduction

testimonial session on Lipocils Lash Expert trial testing

my before & after lash 28 days transformation
photo credits: chocolatecatsz

giving my opinion on the product to Rebecca

SO what's my review on the Lipocils Expert? did it really work? was my lashes longer? I'm going to tell you now, yes it worked but to a certain extend because to each it's own success rate, my stubbornly, sparse and short lashes manage to grow slightly longer after 28 days. It didn't grow monstrously long (that's great but I'll get worried). NOW length is not the only important advantage here when talking about short and unnoticeable eye lashes. My lashes grew thicker (fatter?), stronger and curlier than before I started using! Seriously, it's like feeding it "baja" to become fatter, stronger and healthier. Even the clinical studies says 50% improvement on color and curl! I didn't have any lash fall during the duration of use so that's a plus point.

SO frankly speaking even 0.1mm added to my already short lashes is a blessing. I'll continue to use this product to have longer looking lashes so nobody will laugh at me. I know you're laughing and saying who has so short lashes. Well me...

Texture: gel like
Color: transparent
Scent: there's a smell (can't figure out what it smells like)
Packaging: mascara like applicator
Price: RM185.00
Results: based on individual (slow/fast), lashes will be longer, darker and stronger.

Clinical tests:
Independent clinical studies show a clear improvement in the appearance of the lashes length (+36%), color (+50%), and curl (+50%).

Ms. Sina Deubner from Talika Hong Kong explained to me that everyone has their own growth rate and a maximun length that their lashes can grow up to. Now that sounds scary because I hope mine grow as long as Ms. Sina's eye lashes! She has like sword like lashes without the need to use mascara. It's crazy long and sexy! She says she's been using Lipocils for over a year now and advises me to continue doing so. Maybe I can have a sword fight with her after a year on Lipocils.

clean eyes using Talika Lash Conditioning Cleanser (love this!) 
then curl lashes using Talika's heated lash curler

Fatin & I trying on the Lipocils & Black product

The Talika Lipocils & Black is a double sided wand 2 x 5ml (RM142). It has the legendary lash conditioning gel and mascara in one so that we can grow our lashes while wearing mascara. The mascara has keratin-stimulating to give instant results.

Condition with Lipocils (stimulate growth up to 2.5mm in just 28days)
Natural botanical formula
Longer, healthier lashes in 28 days
Twice a day on cleansed lashes

Dress eyes in a flash (stimulates keratin synthesis & lengthens lashes)
Gorgeous deep black effect
Lengthen, volumize and curl
Instantly enhance bare lashes

Direction for use:
Morning - apply Lipocils treatment to cleansed leashes then apply black mascara when desired.
Evening - cleanse lashes, optimally with Talika Lash Conditioning Cleanser. Apply Lipocils treatment to cleansed lashes.

lengthens, volumize & curl my lashes

The results? yay even more darker looking lashes that's also longer! But it clumps up easily if you don't apply the mascara quickly. I hope my lashes grows longer so it'll be even more dramatic looking than my current photo. They only have the mascara in black, I hope they come up with more colors soon like dark brown or blue. 

dinner is served after the session

pal Haze is also there & her cat is not name after me
(her cat's name is tembikai! cute right?)

The Talika Lipocils Expert is retailing for RM185 while the Lipocils & Black is retailing at RM143. Quite a steal to have a 2 in 1 product for that price. At least you can see it for yourself if your lashes become darker, longer and curlier than before? Another product that caught my eye was the Talika Lash Conditioning Cleanser RM110. It's the first non-oily eye make up remover that can remove waterproof mascaras! When I used it, it was so cooling and refreshing with no stinging effects on my eyes. I read the packaging and it says besides cleansing your eye lashes, it also treats and conditions it! Impressive, clean your eyes and also have your lashes strengthen at the same time again. Talika really put their key use in all products they make.

now who has problems with their eyebrow?

I know I reviewed the Lipocils Expert for eyelashes which I must have now to continue growing my lashes but who here has eyebrow problems? I'm going to do a giveaway with the Eyebrow Lipocils worth RM150 given by Talika to me for my 28 days Lipocils trial participation to someone who needs it! I have been blessed with jungle eyebrows that constantly needs to be trim and shape so I don't need Lipocils for my eyebrows! I shall now give to lucky reader who needs it.

Leave a comment with the following details:

1. Follower I.D: (click here on how to follow my blog guide)
2. Name
3. E-mail:
4. Answer the following question:

Did you find something new about my review? and Tell me why you need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils?

current GWP for Talika Lipocils & Black


  1. 1. Follower I.D: ciksuzlin
    2. Name: suzlin
    3. E-mail: busymonkey07@gmail.com
    4. Answer:..err..longer than usual? and you start using "read more" option?

  2. Thanks for the review! Now im considering Lipocils Expert & Rapilash lash serum, rm199. But this one is rm185! Oh yeah~ so i guess we need to continue using it even after u see result in 28 days? Can 1 tube tahan for 3 months? ;-)

    1. On and here's my entry;
      Follower ID: Hanna H
      Name: Hanna H
      Email: ms[dot]nurhanna[at]gmail[dot]com

      Answer: Yes, I noticed from your blog pics that now u have fuller sexy lashes.*wink* And dear Tammy, I need Talika Eyebrow Lipocils because while your brows are a jungle, mine are as sparse as Sahara. Sob~ X-(

  3. 1. Follower I.D: kahmon
    2. Name: Chai Kah Mon
    3. E-mail: yippy_yappy@msn.com

    4. Answer the following question: Your photos looks great here, I really like the lengthens, volumize & curl of your lashes, totally looks new with sexy lashes. I need Talika Eyebrows Lipocils because I don't really taking good care of my brows and I don't know how, at least I need some products to start my "brows' journey" hahahaha!! XD

    Great day ahead Tammy, =]

  4. been using for around 2 weeks and i must say it works for me too!! but hor, i realized one eye has longer lashes than another now... i did apply to both eyes!!!! how how how how how?!!!

  5. 1. Follower I.D: suz ng
    2. Name: suzanna ng
    3. E-mail: suzannang17044@gmail.com

    Did you find something new about my review?
    Your review is very entertaining as usual. Each time you give more suprises and giveaway. I find the new blogs with more photos and after use result which this is good to convince people that this product actually work wonders!

    Tell why you need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils?
    OOOOOOOooooooo... i wish to have lashes of Minnie of the Mickey, Daisy of the Donald. I envy them very much with long lashes but no matter how hard i try and how heavy the lengthening mascara, i do not see my long lashes. I even try to make my lashes more visible by planting temporary lashes but ended up pretty for 2 weeks and suffer for another great few months becasue loss of the lashes.
    I wish upon the sky that one day some genius will invent some potion to make me look like the cartoon character that i envy very much... Not now as my wish is granted, Talika is out in the market. I seriously need one to electrify people with my visible lashes *blink blink*

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 1. Follower I.D: Arisa chow
    2. Name : Arisa Chow
    3. E-mail: arisa1443@gmail.com

    4. Yes, most definitely i found the results amazing and the difference is quite big (before and after) at least it gives me hope that my pathetic itsy bitsy lashes can be saved :-D and I would need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils because of the constant shaving my make up artist do to my eyebrows, now i barely have none and it can be a real pain to draw them everytime :-( worst part is they USED to be bushy D: I miss my eyebrows! *sobs*


  8. 1. Follower I.D: Honey Chan
    2. Name: Chan Hee Mooi
    3. E-mail: hmchann@gmail.com

    Did you find something new about my review?
    Yes, a technology that I never thought really exist. You being the model showed me exactly how a dream would come true for people with short lashes like you and me.

    Tell why you need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils?
    As you grow older, one of the many things that stop growing is your hair. Particularly hair on the brow and lashes. They seem to drop out faster than it grows and the most wonderful part is the quality. Its totally a "Pertumbuhan Terbantut". My daughters bought me various brands to bush up my brow. Till today, I think I have been the guinea pig for up to all the fingers I have.

    Name me any brands in the market that supposed to offer lash lengthening as well as brow thickening the natural enhanced way, I've tried it. I even embroided my brow to give it a heavier effect, I even tried the newer embroidery technique where they cut lines to make it look like its real hair growing out on my brow (Yes, its painful, more than my embroidery process itself). It was literally using small knife and cut out lines. Unfortunately this is all artificial.

    As my hair continues to drop, the color of my brow fades off as well. I miss the brow I used to have. The brow defines a person. Have you ever seen a ghost without brow? Yes, thats how I would describe myself. I would love to try out the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils after seeing what Tammy can do with their Lipocils Expert for Lashes.

  9. Seriously look like a wedding venue... :)

    1. They have the Note 2 launch there. Its big and spacious. The owner are very nice as well. You can decorate as you wish there.. haha.. wanna have another wedding Angel?

  10. 1. Follower I.D: Aby Teo
    2. Name : Teo Bi Heng
    3. E-mail : ssmall.fishh@gmail.com
    4. Answer the following question:

    Yes. just noticed you combined review and event cover up info together in 1 blog post. Not sure whether is it correct or not but this is what I initially noticed LOLL.
    and Yes, through your review I am now have this bit of faith with Talika. It seem to work well >< I am more interested in growing my eyebrow rather than eye lashes. Cause I have only half eyebrow each side. So sad but it is naturally like that :(( this is even more pity than those who have no eyebrow I think. I am not belongs to either "Have" nor "Don't Have" category. I am not complete :( I seriously need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils to cpmplete my life and face >_< Please help~~~

    Thank you Tammy for another great Giveaway again =)

  11. 1. Follower I.D: Ivanashuevoon Wong
    2. Name: Wong Shue Voon
    3. E-mail:shuevoon@hotmail.com
    4. I think is the combination of reviewing, promoting and giveaway in a same post =) I need the Eyebrow Lipocils or I would say my mum needs it the most because she is always complaining to me about her eyebrow and always wish for eyebrow tattoo or something. I hope I can get this wonderful products for her and make her happy =)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1. Follower I.D: Zuyyin Juhari
    2. Name: Zuyyin Binti Juhari
    3. E-mail: zuyyinjuhari@gmail.com

    YES YES YES! (screaming excitedly, hihi) I have learned so much about Talika from your review, I now know that this product has various types of Talika . I used to,(still actually, hihi) google about it and sometimes I'll go to Sephora or Sasa just to hold it and read the information at the Talika box so many times since I am such a huge fan of having those thick sexy eyebrows.I couldn't afford to buy because its really expensive for me so every night I will just put vaseline on my eyebrows. This has always been on my wish list.

    I really really need Talika Eyebrow Lipocils because like you, I have really sensitive eyebrows too,I couldn't wear eyebrow liner because my skin irritates from it and when I wear mascara brow, my eyebrows will shed, everytime i wear it.So I would be the happiest girl if i get this product. Thank you so much for giving me this chance!

  14. 1. Follower I.D: Lucinda
    2. Name: Lucinda Ong
    3. E-mail: mylucinda@gmail.com
    4. Answer the following question: more informatics, more pictures plus video that made it so interesting to read. I just like to try on this product to have a sexy look as what you have shown us in your blog.

  15. Hi Tammy,

    Follower ID : mysarah159
    Name : Sarah
    Email : my_sarah90@hotmail.com

    I think you have photos of foooddd which attracts my attention a lot !! hahaha
    I need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils badly because my mom doesnt allow me to do anything with my eyebrow like trim or what, so all I can do is use eyebrow to enhance the shape of it, so that I can raise my eyebrow with style !!

  16. Follower I.D.: Jocy Tan
    Name: Jocy Tan
    E-mail: jocytan1314@gmail.com

    I noticed you combined the event info and before & after result together in one post^^
    I've heard good things about Talika products but I've never tried it.
    I would like to try it because I have really sparse eyebrows, and I had an ugly scar on my left brow from surgery. It takes so much my time to do make-up before going to work. I do hope to win this so I can regrowth them and get them back to natural shape.. T.T
    I do hope to win this to regrowth I can go to get them properly shaped.

  17. Follower I.D.: chansookyuen
    Name: Chan Sook Yuen
    E-mail: suannechan@yahoo.com

    I found that this is the mixture of product review and sharing the venue, eatings, decoration and people of the event taking part. More pictures of good stuff. On the other hand , I need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils because I have sparse eyebrows and need to treat it and would like to have natural and healthy eyebrows everafter.

  18. 1. Follower I.D: lyksell
    2. Name: Lee Yun Kiew
    3. E-mail: lyksell@yahoo.com.my

    Did you find something new about my review?
    yes, the place named Zebra Square, and didn't know Talika has the eyebrows Lipocils, as I know they have the lashes lipocils quite some time ago ....

    Tell why you need the Talika Eyebrow Lipocils?
    Frankly, I have long and thick eye lashes, I don't even need to wear fake one during my wedding photo session because by just curler, my sister thought I was wearing the fake one already :-). But, I need something for my eyebrow, mainly it was 'spoilt' by somebody who just simply trimmed mine and now there's some part of it is less (till the level you see the 'skin') ....

    1. Hey Lyksell, i tried to email u but your yahoo email rejected.

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