Talika The Most Seductive Eyes Contest

the most seductive eyes contest

Check it out girls! this is your chance to win prizes worth RM300 each from Talika. It's quite easy and fun to do with your girlfriend(s). Those with big doll eyes I'm sure you're going to get some winks! China doll eyes is also quite sexy, thought I think my eyes are fairly dull looking sob sob, which is why I'm using Talika Lipocils at the moment to perk it up! 

Dress your eyes in a flash and show your most Seductive side of your eyes!
1.      Pair up with a girlfriend
2.      Snap a photo together showing your most seductive side of your eyes
3.      Post up your photo on Talika Malaysia's Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TalikaMY
4.      Invite your friends to 'Like' your photo

The winner will be selected with the most number of 'Like' and one lucky random winner who 'like' will be chosen to win mystery prize. I hope this will also be an additional activities to your readers and the winner can get to win RM300 worth of Talika prizes each.


  1. as much as i wanted to win the talika product but with the voting system that take in place... i need to pass lo... :( sob sob

  2. Ya lo... Sad but true.. Its voting...

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