Custom Made Dreamcatchers by Garden of Eva

dream catchers from Garden of Eva

When I came back from Bangkok, a parcel was waiting for me on the sofa. It was from reader, Vaishnavii Devi who custom made two beautiful dream catchers for me! it's handmade by the way. I took it out under the sun and admire the weave and colorful feathers. I promise to show them off in my blog so others could order these beautiful dream weavers to wear and ward of bad dreams. It makes a really cool Christmas gift too.

Interview with Vaishnavii Devi, the dream weaver

I love arts, craft and painting since the tender age of 5. And my mom was very supportive as she gets me all the materials to polish my skills. But over the years, I was just too occupied with studies and eventually my job as a PR practitioner – leaving me with no space to spend some quality time with something I love doing! 

I’ve begun to hate my job and I was thinking of ways to not hate it but - to somehow divert my frustration to something else. Somewhere last year, I’ve developed an interest to create accessories for myself – so I spent a lot of time looking for tutorials in Youtube and seriously, Youtube is God-sent. It has thousands of tutorials, step-by-step written guidance, links that are super useful. I wanted to do something different and my 1st attempt was a simple beaded earrings! Nothing to be proud off as it turned out so bad, so I just threw it out of disappointment: P ! 

The Ojibwa believe that a dreamcatcher changes a person's dreams. According to Konrad J. Kaweczynski, "Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through… Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day."[5] Good dreams would pass through and slide down the feathers to the sleeper. - wikipedia

Accidentally, I bumped onto a dream catcher tutorial in Youtube and I was just curious as to how the weave was done. It looks super complicated but I was so tempted to try it – so it was after several failed attempts, I manage to get the weave right. I wore my half-baked dream catchers every time I go out and there was some sort of connection to it. Strangers were staring at them, some foreigners approached me and queried about those beauties and custom orders were pouring in.

That’s when my baby, Garden of Eva came about. Around September 2012 – yes it is still new but there is no rush to grow it fast since I don’t treat it as a tool to generate income, but more like a passion filled page which I hold close to my heart ☺ ! My biz is picking up slowly but the best part about Garden of Eva is, I feel happier and contended to see people loving the design that I create for them. My best selling dream catchers are the full beaded version which only cost RM65, while the fully woven dream catchers are sold for RM40 and semi beaded dream catchers for RM50 respectively. My custom made designs are one of its kind and there’s no replication.

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  1. Seems like dream catchers are quite popular nowadays! The colourful beads and feathers are really pretty and eye-catching too. :D

    1. yeah i wish i had this earlier to ward off my work nightmares! hahahaha

  2. They have their own line of custom furniture which can be made to your own dimensions


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