DIY Your Own Snow Globe!

found this cool DIY for X'mas at (click here)

Gosh is it too late to make DIY Snow Globes to decorate / to give friends as prezzies? I sure want to try this at least before Christmas is over! Look easy too. Gotta go hunt for old jam jars and some glitter this weekend. Happy shopping and wrapping your gifts this weekend readers!

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  1. Replies
    1. yeah!! did u try? mebbe u can try putting used/finished cosmetics in it to create a girly globe

  2. And the bunny is too cute! kyaaaaaa <3

  3. Replies
    1. yesh!! oh... oh... T_T wish I found it earlier.. now a bit too late to do... wait mebbe not!

  4. This is such a good DIY idea for this Christmas season!
    Gahhh~ Find jar find jar...

    1. yeah so many things can do.... i'm wish I was not sick so i can do all this!!!

  5. wow genius lar! make my hands itchy to do this!!! i got lots of empty jars lol

    xoxo elle

    1. :D wah..envy!! i just moved, so i threw most of the jars away!!! dang!!!!!!!

  6. Good idea but it's too late to make one now :'(


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