The Banjaran Hotsprings Ipoh

my one day wellness retreat starts today

If you haven't added me in Facebook please do! coz I do most of my nonsense, gossip and sharing on facebook rather than blog (facebook more for casual chats/posts/updates). I just checked in The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat at Tambun, Ipoh. It's so beautiful. Anyone planning a honeymoon but don't want to travel or have long distance stress, can check out this place! It's voted the best spa resort in 2010. I will be reviewing this place and taking a lot of photos! loving my trip~

it is the only spa resort mention in the Johansens Guide


  1. hi Kong, are u planning to go to this place? i will try to edit my photos first... i have 500 over photos from this retreat >_<!!! arghh

  2. Wow, that is really a lot of pics...There is such plan to go perhaps towards year end. We went to check the place out but of crse was only able to get to the "palang" haha

  3. wah hahaha!! u actually went to have a look see? they're very strict on visitors who don't have an appointment with them, this to ensure privacy of the place and no intrusion of people they don't know. I think the large party of paying for this place is the privacy that comes with it.

    The Valentine's package is so...... worth the go. I regretted not waiting for it... >_<! cheaper than what I paid.

  4. Tammy, u haven't done review on Banjaran ar? I couldn't find it... >.<


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