Lullabelle Handmade Soap Workshop

I'm gona make soap at this class yay!

Course: Multi-Purpose Household soap Workshop (with coffee grounds/Essential oils or without) Did you know that dishwashing water from your house contributes to ocean pollution? If each person takes a little more care, we can keep our oceans clean and blue. So start making your own household cleaning soap to help a little as you can! You and your whole family will appreciate the switch to natural soaps (especially mommy). You'll be so amazed by how well your handmade products clean and how great they smell that you'll never use stinky synthetic commercial cleaning products again. Participants will learn to make their own soap mould and about 800g of soap, which they can take home to cut afterwards.

soap making class at Bree Studio

Date:12/3/2011 / Time: 3:30pm-6:30pm
Venue: Bfree Studio
(opposite sunway piramid and above 99 mart)
Course fees: RM 80 (including materials and handling fees)
Promotion: Register as a pair RM150.
(Including all materials + welcoming gift from Lullabelle Handmade Soap)

*A non-refundable deposit of RM30 per person is required. If you'd like to participate, please pre-register and have your deposit to us at least 1 week prior to class.

Each participant will receive a welcoming gift, and also has a chance to purchase Lullabelle handmade soaps at exclusively discounted prices.

Each participant will need to bring 1 empty milk cartons (1000ml size)
minimum Headcount to open class=4

It will be a small class. Please reserve and enquire at
*If more that 6 people, tools will be shared within 2 people.

More details on


  1. sounds fun, again as usual i work on sat. sighh
    U guys have fun! :)

  2. Ooo.. This is so interesting ^^ But out of my budget lol

  3. guess i'll be going as well.. unless the class is full xD

  4. Enquiry for handmade soap workshop. Jackie 012-3832888. Do I need to find my own members to start a workshop or will I be able to join into any of your existing workshop?

    1. Hi Jackie, you may email to to inquire about the workshop :)

    2. Hi Jackie here's the information u need on the soap classes :)

      No.1: ♥RM680♥Almighty Professional Soap Making Workshop (APSPW) (全能手工皂专业课程) ♥4 workshops (1-4 persons) 一人即可開班, 最多4人.
      Workshop 1: Marseilles Soap《法國馬賽皂》
      Workshop 2: French Clay Soap 《法國泥皂》
      Workshop 3: Happy Swirl Soap《渲染皂》
      Workshop 4: Goat Milk Soap《羊奶皂》

      No.2: ♥RM550♥Happiness Mother Milk / Breast Milk Soap Making Workshop (幸福媽媽母乳皂課程) ♥3 workshops (1-4 persons) 一人即可開班, 最多4人.
      Workshop 1: Baby Marseilles Mother Milk Soap《馬賽母乳皂課程》
      Workshop 2: Happy Swirl Mother Milk Soap《渲染母乳皂課程》
      Workshop 3: Herbal Balm/Insect Bite Balm《天堂然紫草膏/驅蚊香膏》
      No.3: ♥RM250♥Joyful Soap Making Workshop (快樂手工皂课程) ♥ 1 workshop (2-4 persons)兩人即可開班, 最多4人.
      Lists of Soap Making Workshop (手工皂课程選擇列表) Pick Your Favorites & Learn!
      Goat Milk Soap《羊奶皂》
      Quirky Egg Soap《蛋皂》
      Marseilles Soap《法國馬賽皂》
      Happy Swirl Soap《渲染皂》
      French Clay Soap 《法國泥皂》

      Honey Soap《蜂蜜皂》
      Layer Soap《雙層皂》
      Hair Soap《洗髮皂》
      Purple Breast Milk Soap《紫草母乳皂》
      Calendula Breast Milk Soap《金盞母乳皂》

      All Workshops Includes Material, Light Refreshment & Certificate! ♥ Full Payment in Advanced FREE 1 Special Workshop!
      Date & Time (課程時間) :Weekday 8pm onward & Weekend (週六或週日 or 週一至週五 (晚上八時開始))
      Venue (上課地點)"Lulla Belle Dreamland" Bayan Villa Bukit Serdang
      More Details Please Refer (詳情請參閱) Blog: or Shop:
      Lullabelle Handmade Soap-It all begins with the natural touch... 露娜貝兒天然手工皂,洗後疲憊除盡,舒缓身心, 天天快樂…Any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or SMS/call Patty: 019-2171015.


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