My PaperLovin Haul has Arrived~!

Thanks to Karen, I would have never bumped into PaperLovin's facebook page on their extremely adorable pastel like stationary from Korea. Karen always have the coolest or quirkiest things to notify in her facebook, gotta give her credit for that. Wondering in the pages of the PaperLovin's facebook wall, my eyes was fixed on the First Things First Scheduler and the cute Pink Weekly Organiser. I don't know I am not the type to be organized so these books were like calling to me "buy us buy us we'll make your life more organized! if not cuter?" CRAP. Anyway today my parcel arrived by Pos Laju, it only cost me RM6 for the shipping charges which I really like. Excited that my stuffs is here ^_^ wish to share with you girls how cute it is, just look at the photos. I don't have camera with me now so I can't snap photos.

My Weekly Scheduler RM35
174 x 70 x 12 (mm)
60 pages of weekly planner
No year specific
green/pink/blue colors

My First Things First Scheduler RM36
2011 planner
390 point
386 x 260 mm

Can't wait to destroy the lil' darlings by scribbling nonsense on it! Check out their blog here and facebook here. This ain't no advertorial :) photos seen here are from PaperLovin's Blog.


  1. i bought mine there too...mine arrived before christmas!!! ooo i totally forgot to put it inside my december haul's post =p

  2. Very nice! I dun hav the heart to use it if i were u

  3. These are just too cute! Makes me feel like getting them Doroshi said, no heart to use ler!


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