Flu Bug

It started with my colleague Nina getting sick, a bad cough epidemic started. My boss caught it, brought back home and with her insane coughing and germs spreading all over the condo, her son started getting sick too and now it's my turn. I could not pay attention today and felt weak with a migraine coming on. I also started coughing and strangers were backing away from me (fearing they would get sick too). Bush fire, Haze and the virus, please take care of yourself people! too tired to blog & have to finish a newsletter project for my mom to submit for assignment. Yeah daughter doing mom's assignment! hahaha.. hope I can finish it b4 midnight. I am just thinking now what to do.. and feel so tired.


  1. Get well soon, Miu dear! Drink loads of warm water ok!

  2. that's cool u helping mum out :) btw ya im down with flu too!

  3. its the musim la... i got my turn last 2 weeks... i think 2months ago pun i also kena. then the kids lagi... ~sigh~

    doing ur moms assignment?? haha.. i used to type work for my dad since primary school.. i guess tats y he sent me to take short courses on wordstar, lotus 123 etc back then.. but got upah lah.. heheh..

    now my "job" taken over by my lil sis.. altho every now n then he asked me to help him draft officially letters etc..

    u get well soon ok? *hugs*

  4. So... I hope u and keat recover from this illness.. and if we still go out to curry house on saturday. u two better wear masks even if youre already not having symptoms. cause the viruses still lives for a while.

    I have sensitive tonsils and can get affected very easily when expose to ill people. I dont want to get dry coughs like i did before that last for weeks . I got that because chun got sick. i was around him all the time thats why. And i got that too in aus because of some particular person being too careless with depositing their virus through air.


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