My Valentine's Day

my panda bear in the kitchen

Believe it or not, my boyfriend don't believe in celebrating Valentine's Day at all. He says it's too commercialized & people make too big of a deal out of it. HELLO! I screwed him over & over. I told him in 365 days u have never been romantic to me or declare your love for me. Perhaps maybe this 1 day in 365 days you would at least show your love to me? (*birthdays are an exception) So my bf went cooking for me on Valentine's Day.

Rib Eyes that cost rm60 at Cold Storage!

oh wow they look yummy!

wow?! he watch too much Jamie Oliver?

I remember during when we first dated, he used to cook steaks for me too! It brought memories back to me of how we were just students and poor T_T & he would go buy beef to cook for dinner. Now after 8 years, the chunk of beef upgraded to rib eyes, sauted button mushrooms with asparagus & broccoli. Thank you for a wonderful meal my panda bear baby! It's my turn now for some Italian love :)

the next day, I cooked spaghetti for lunch

minced beef, button mushrooms, baby tomatoes
I call this "Love Me AMOUR~"
(should I rename it to attack of the killer tomatoes?)

I also made my 1st buffalo wings!
(ahah using buffalo wing seasoning lah)

cute? yes very cute?!

ops look who's been waiting to eat?
(showing face bcoz i took pics so long)

Happy Valentine's Day NG HEAN KEAT! (my baby panda)
(i am allowed to be mushy on Valentine's Day!)


  1. oliver? simple and easy? haha...everything looks good! =D

  2. wah! :) looks good! sure taste great!

  3. Jamie..there was some green stuff I think I am able to eat!

  4. Wow..looks yummmm....

    HAppY belated VALENTINE'S DAY cutie Miu!!!

  5. OMG! the steak is my all time favs. and the spaghetti is my darling hubby favs. Wut a match!

  6. it's great that he took the trouble to cook. as for mine, my wife cooked spaghetti and meatballs, and we had the best home cooked candle-lit dinner at home.


  7. babe! attack-of-the-killer-tomatoes spaghetti? LOL! i think i want to try your version this weekend. looks cute! my kids love spaghetti and i make it almost everyweek. my version, i use tesco passata, S&W or tesco's canned diced/chopped tomatoes, diced onions,loads of oregano leaves & the usual salt,sugar n pepper. nanti bg i your recipe?

    hey! me & hubs used to make our own steak during uni days too! the daging we just hentam use any part.. so it was hard and susah to gigit! your darling use meat tenderizer x? i want recipe for this one too!

    u 2 make a very sweet couple :)

    happy belated valentines babe!


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