Personal Shopper Miu 2 the Rescue!

waitin at 9.50am

I took taxi 9am to Menara Weld @ Metrojaya Warehouse Sales again and waited for their entrance to open at 10am. I had so many orders that I can't keep track of it @_@ well what I did was grab first check later. My orders were in my head, smsese, & phone calls. A few girls asked me specifically to look out for Burberry London which was out yesterday evening (2nd day of sale). When I went in, I scanned the first few tables for brands. Hugo boss is still selling, CK no more at all. In fact CK's table has been replaced with Guerlain & Stila cosmetics. Most perfume were gone and the size of the place cut down. Burberry had plenty of The Beat (their latest fragrance costing rm300 over in retail) and there it was Burberry London. I use both hands to grab the perfumes as I go fearing it will be out of stock if I don't. Time is precious and as a warehouse sale shopper I knew every minute count. I grab the last Stila acapulco, the last Kenzo Armour body lotion, the last Marc Jacob's Blush lotion but was 5minutes late from grabbing Bvlgary lotion (darn). The sales people started talking about me. They ask if I'm opening a shop/borong and I just smile.

luggin 3 bags around KL is crazy!

Would they know what is a personal shopper?

Checking sms took most of my time as I didn't want to miss out my orders. My final rounds were to scout for male perfumes under rm100. My buyers wants to get it as gifts for their hubby/bf/friend. Lugging a basket & plastic bag full of perfume with one hand carrying 5 perfume set. I stopped to think if i missed out any body's order. It's too late my hands are full, and I doubt I could pay for everything!

At the cashier, they look with astonished eyes as I set everything down. True enough, my credit cards were maxed out just for this sale. I had to use 2 credit cards! They probably think I'm crazy. I dare not say how much I spent here, my bf is reading my blog. He will kill me. If I do get killed, kindly bury me with all the perfumes.

Amazing enough you would think I spent a whole day there buying all this? No it was just an hour and I pop into McDonalds for a drink. I still had to work, I had time my work to be done in KL so I could hop over (or in other words curi tulang) and get this done in an hour, skip my lunch and do my work in KL. Lugging 3 heavy bags around KL is crazy. It was so hot and I had to walk to Wilayah Land Office, DBKL & post office to get my work done.

just found out if u walk all the way behind Menara Weld
you will reach KLCC! in like 30mins

Unfortunately it was nearing lunch time, I can see the crowd coming into Menara Weld & the road were so jam no taxi wanted to take me. Rushing for time, I try to walk back to Masjid Jamek area remembering the taxi route but took the route behind Menara Weld instead & ended up somewhere near Shangrila Hotel. I look at the road signs for familiar landmarks. Alas I saw KLCC! (good because I needed to get to post office & then I can take LRT to Masjid Jamed & walk to Wilayah Land Office & DBKL).

Resting at Wilayah Land Office waiting to extract document from them. I was here until 3pm & then I walked to Burger King @ Masjid Jamek. Along the way I saw some nice graffiti on the back alleys.

While at Burgey King, Hurley called me up and offered to fetch me back to my office *how sweet of him*. He knew I was walking around KL lugging shopping bags & was having a late lunch. Thanks Hurley!!! ^_^ appreciate the rescue!

Before I go off to sleep, I want to tell all Stila fans out there that there is this magazine call Steady in Kinokuniya Japanese Section featuring Stila in it. It comes with a free Stila pouch big enough to fit 2 x 500ml mineral bottle water & cute Stila stickers to mark your calendars. It cost rm34++ to buy this magazine but it is worth it for me! Good Night girls I'll only post the perfume pic individualy tomorrow.



  1. OMG Miu2, carrying all the burden around KL... u r like superwoman!!! hehhhe =P I felt bad for u girl, next time u have to hire personal chauffeur to hantar u shopping la, hehhe ^_^ Gambate Miu!!! *.* I'm so gonna get the magz~

  2. OMG...MIU !!!!..when u told me maxed out 2 card i thought u were kidding....ALL HAIL MIU SHOPPING QUEEN....i hope those people really appreciate this special service. any way...try to save for estee in July...will keep u updated when i receive the invites

  3. omg miu..u r one hella good person!u're an ANGEL!u bought all of those for others and carried them all by urself!hope they pay u accordingly -.-

  4. Wow Miu, if you really want to hire girl hire me!!! lol... oh my god i can't believe u carrying all the stuff in KL! KENG! lol. Anyway good night hope you have a sweet dreams~ hehe

  5. wow, i applaud ur effort. so thoughtful of you, plus you charge an affordable fee. hopefully no back out buyers!

  6. JAMIE...!!!OMG!!! But did you have fun that is the most important part of shopping, as long as you got a good rush out of it what the ____!

  7. i've been following your blog for quite some time. i must say this shopping trip is the craziest!! so rajin of you to cater to all those requests. too bad i give it a miss. there's no dkny delicious right?

  8. miu, that morning u saw any stella?

  9. haha.. well right now I'm feeling ok but during the "walkabout" in kl trying to get out of Menara Weld jam area i was cursing at myself. This happened few times, swearing not to do it anymore. Motorcyclists were lookin at me hahahaha.... but i felt proud. Like I did a big shopping N thsi is all mine (until people collect).

    VERY INTERESTING EXPERIENCE.. & I can say fulfilling! I hope everyone collects their orders or I will end up with the loansharks! haha

    Thanks u all for your comments! Appreciate your support! Maybe u can try this too for a crazy experience LOL!

  10. hey Miu, 'Pui fook Pui fook' I can never do that lo (time + efford)..

    anyway, see u 2morrow k :)

  11. miu...i've been following ur blog for sometime & u r my shopping idol!. i was once like u, b4 i have kids...i'm sure u look like santa claus, lugging those goodies around kl

  12. Miu, u one hell of a girl..YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!

  13. MIU, got the stilla lip glaze. thanks!!

  14. TAMMY!!! bring both your Credit Card here so i can cut them all!

  15. OMG Miu, i salute you too!! carrying all those perfumes around and walking around KL is certainly no joke! but it was dangerous to walk at the back alleys!

    my sis and i went to the w/h sale too yesterday, but we were there very late. she arrived at 5 something, i arrived at almost 7, but still insist to go! hehe..

    we bought Guerlain, Hugo Boss, Hermes, Kenzo & another one brand i forgotten.. also spent about 1k.. but so happy!

    today we plan to go to FJ Benjamin w/h sale, are you going? but too bad there won't be any Guess products..

    happy shopping!

  16. Hey Miu, really salute u carry those many stuff, should hav tumpang my car.. if i knew it early, should hav fetch u. I left at 12noon yesterday. Cant seem to find u di. Nxt sales if am arnd, dun forget to ask me ya. :)

  17. Hi dear, kesian..didnt know u got to walk, or else am sure offer to drop u. Nxt sales, if am arnd, don't forget me..ur personal driver. hehe

  18. Miu....U really is a super woman..I swear i can't do this!! Carrying 3 packs of bags around KL....Cool ya!!

  19. miu..

    any perfume set available to sell?nak cari untuk personal and for hantaran too..


    tengah tunggu sale on july tu gak..kalo ade invitation card lebih..bole bg i 1?same with u..looking for hantaran stuffs..

  20. miu, i wanna SUE you for posting my pix without my permission !!! i was the first one in the line yesterday, remember ??? OMG, i look horrible with double chin la !! aiyo, malu leh. anyway, i'm just kidding la, amoi. i remember seeing you with your basket, FULL & busy chatting on ur handphone. i was too excited till i left my hp at home yesterday & my fren tried to call me desperately !! anyway i left at abt 10.40am, stay longer, the more i'll buy, die man, burst budget this mth again after CNY.
    do u no any1 wanna let go of the jpg set of miniatures, the newer one. i'm a collector. pls let me no, ok, thx. pls reply at my email -

  21. dear Miu... i've been following you and your blog...susah nak cari org yg macam u ni.... salute....salute

    anyway... if anybody back out form their perfume deal/ tak jadi amik ker.. let me know ok?

  22. OMG Miu..
    That's a lot! Can't wait to see all those stuff pictures. Who knows your readers might interested to buy any leftover. I hope takde orang komplen your extra charges too...

  23. Miu.... U are truely the queen of shopaholics!!!!

  24. totallyme:u r d best lah miu.. I like reading ur blog very much. Feels like im oso there doing d shopping..

  25. miu, if you have kenzo amour 100ml to let go let me know ok.

  26. OMG Miu!! Hiii btw! :)

    I'm ur silent reader all this while but decided to write few words on this entry! Wowww.. so spent soo much on these & your shopper SHOULD appreciate u for that!! you're such a sweetie... i was thinking to drop by the warehouse sales but being preggy me, i didn't. huhu. else, i would have dropped u off wherever u're heading to.. i can imagine the loads and burden that u're carrying.. oh my.. well, take care girl! :)

    p.s. bloghop from waney's blog to urs.. keep on writing! and never stop shopping... it ryhmes~ ;)

  27. ohh, btw.. i'm linking u up! hope u don't mind.. :)

  28. you are my idol're almost like becky bloomwood lah ...ahahaha ...

  29. Miu, frankly u are really Prince Diana a.k.a charmed One.. i'm speechless.U deserved more than the appreciation. Take care darling! Hope no one wud turn u down.

    Hey, i really2 wish to meet u somedays.. i mean it! really2..

  30. u r rock Miu.hahaha.emel:


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