Birthday Blog Party - The Horror!

Thanks to Janice for recording this "humiliation" live on her camera! She blogged about my birthday blog party in 2 parts. First a brief intro on the blog birthday eat-all-u-can steamboat & bbq that I host for my readers. Second a shocking video of me terrified of being BBQ by the fireman and dam, I can submit this video for the Female Butterfly Project 2010! my flabby arms need some shaping and toning man! *runs off to use Clarin's shaping cream*. Ok pls don't laugh at the video!~ it's not rehearse nor expected! One of my naughty readers submitted my name for the fire show and I was pulled up unprepared and the video to know what happen!


  1. Hey,

    this was the highlight of the night for me.

    The OMG OMG OMG look on your face = priceless!!

  2. lol u turn the fireshow into a comedy already.

  3. Glad to see you were not set on fire but still your that hot one even without the fire.
    Hope it was all as fun as it looked you were having in the video


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