Open For Business with Miu of PluSizeKitten blog

Girls! Don't forget to tune in to BFM 89.9 radio station to hear me lose it all on air! Please don't laugh or get offended, public speaking or interviews especially on radio makEs me super nervous and I might say all the wrong things! I don't have portable radio so I be trying to tune in later! Let me know how it goes???


  1. it was a good interview!!!!
    keep up the good work!!!

  2. Dear Miu,

    Congrats, your interview was great. Initially you were quite nervous, then after 10mins, it all went smooth all the way. All the best in your future undertakings, your business will grow pretty well, k?

    Thumbs up!

  3. Gosh what time was it? Or is it on everyday? I didn't hear it.

    Omedeto!! Anyway, all the best! You know we are supporting you!

    And FYI, i just started my own blog. Hehe...hope you will support me too.



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