Day 8 of 10 Days No Shopping

2 More Days to go Girls! what have you learn from the 10 day no shopping challenge? can u survive 2 more days? Personally I have failed already on the 4th day! How did I fail? well I couldn't control myself anymore and bought the Clarin's HydraQuench Mask after hearing that it's being sold out at counters even at KLCC! I ordered mine from there and also bought the HydraQuench Soothing Gel which my skin really needs T_T so yes that's how I fail my own 10 Days No Shopping Challenge!!!

FYI since it's 2 more days did you:

1. shop?
2. buy something?
3. order something?
4. collected something with intention of paying after the challenge?
5. order something prior to challenge knowing you will not be shopping during challenge?
6. asked bf/hubby/friend/family/stranger to get/buy you something?
7. begged someone to buy u something?
8. bought something for someone, just not yourself?
9. sign up a spa/facial/service/beauty/treatment package?
10. see someone else shop or do the any of the above?

If you did any of the above, you have failed the 10-day no shopping challenge! own up now and tell me which day and what made u did it!


  1. I bought magazine too... considered as failed?

  2. hahaha... good 1 though! I failed mine on 12th Sept Lux Asia VIP Warehouse sale!!!! But really enjoying going thru the task!!

  3. 1. went to the shop.. but didn't buy anything. went to watch a movie though.
    2. bought food mostly.
    3. ordered food mostly.
    4. nopz.
    5. if i did, it was before I knew about the challenge.
    7.just food.
    8.was away in frasers.. so no chance of that happening. except for the bare essentials. ^^
    9. sigh... but still none of it.
    10. nopz.. jst stayed home and blogged. !!!

  4. I NEED to de-stress!!!!!! That's why resorted to RETAIL THERAPY!!! If not, can go crazy ah!!!! Lasted till Day 4......then STRESS, STRESS, after another coming to me.....hence, I caved-in!!!!!!!!!


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