VIP SALES: Guerlain & YSL

Tomorrow & Sunday there will be a Guerlain & YSL VIP SALES only by invitation. Strictly by invitation only. Anyone looking for a personal shopper let me know. You can email me at with the following:

1. Product
2. Pic of Product
3. Shade/Color/Size/Quantity of product/Manufacturing Date
4. Budget range for product (e.g buy if under rm50)
5. Name & Contact Number so I can contact you if needed.

E.g: Miu, I want Guerlain's Meteorite Balls in XXXX x 1 only, actual size. My budget is XXX-XXX, buy if under XXX. Don't buy if manufactured under 2007.

PS: I will reply all email orders tonight. If you do not get a reply from me = didn't read the email = no buy. For new customers you may email to inquire how much @ personal shopper fee. Priority to regulars & payment upon confirmation of sucessful purchase.


  1. aiya.. recesssion some more so many warehouse sale.

  2. miu....maybe i will buy something for ur haul...i not familiar with guerlain product lei or even YSL.......

    but do check out the meteorite poweder how much .....

    tutu J

  3. is your ten days up?

    can you go buy without breaking your chastity vow??

  4. hey!i tot ur on 10-days no shopping restriction too?how come u go shopping?hahahhahaa....ini menggoda ur 10DNS ni..i takpelaa..tomorrows my get-wiser day..hahahhaaha

  5. Meteorite powder balls 33g RM179 - 3 different colors: mythic (original), pink n beige

  6. hi miu, what did u buy? cant wait to see ur haul :)

  7. I didn't buy any YSL or Guerlain, will blog about it soon :)

    Pamela: i bought mostly rmk eyeshadows coz it was a steal!


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