Anna The Red's Bento Factory

I don't only blog, I read blogs too but not beauty blogs. I love to read blogs about design, crafts, scrapbooking and well BENTO! Check out Anna The Red's Bento Factory Blog, I really like her a lot! and all the bento making tips and tricks she shares on her blog. She also has awesome skills n designs for bento, she's quite popular! her anime bentos are AWESOME! don't just read it from me, check her blog out. The latest post she blogs about how to make a Heart Shape Hard Boiled Egg!


  1. Yummy Bento!!! Thanks for sharing, babe.

  2. thanks for sharing miu, sharing is caring....
    hehehe can't wait to have children to try make bento for them... so cute!!!

  3. ahhh... interesting... thanx for sharing.. :D


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