I Love Hada Labo!

this is all MINE MINE MINE! (evil laughter)

I have been jealous of those who went to the amazing Hada Labo Tea Party few months ago, the girls got goodie bags filled with things like above and also got to eat Japanese Food! yum yum. I could not go as I had a BBQ outing in Genting that time *sad*. I hope I could join the next Hada Labo workshop/party if there is any! Fast Forward, even though I couldn't go to the Tea Party I still got goodies from Hada Labo yay! including three new products they launched few months ago to review.

From Left to Right:
Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Face Wash RM28.90 100g
*NEW* SHA Lip Moisturiser  RM19.90
*NEW* SHA Moisturising Mist RM30.90
*NEW* SHA Moisturising Cream 
RM58.90 50g
Trial size AHA Eggxuisite Cleanser
Trial size Lotion (toner)

Hada Labo Gift Set RM129 (NP RM169)

saw at Guardian! tempting tempting! 5 items inside
SHA Wash (100ml), SHA Lotion (170ml), 
SHA Cream (50gm), SHA Mist (45ml) and 1 piece SHA mask

I went to Guardian last week and saw this really cute Hada Labo Set in a Pouch! For RM129 (np RM169) and only in October, Hada Labo is giving a chance to customers to try their products in this cute set. I consider this as a all in one set! look there's 5 items in there. The SHA Fash Wash, SHA Lotion, SHA Cream, SHA Mist and SHA Mask. The bag is nifty too to keep all your Hada Labo inside. Thought I already have a whole load of Hada Labo products to try, the devil in me still makes me think of buying this set just because of the POUCH!


  1. wahhhh!!! *jealous* I actually wanted to try out their new stuff but no signs of them at the Guardian's outlet near my house >.<

  2. Nice!! I really love their product. Effective and affordable!

  3. now, the others will be jeles that u got the 3 new products :) :)

    their new gift set is soooooo attractive .. with the pouch !!

  4. yerrrr.... now im the one who jealous!! tak pergi workshop also get so many product...full set ler!! =(

  5. Cindy: no full set lah :( u got full set baru lah... i dun have mask here also sob sob..

  6. sexymummy: yah.. they also got lah :) i wonder how is the texture like.. wanna try n use but i still got so many opened skincare to finish grggrrr...

  7. Jean: yeah.. u the best lah go eat n get T__T sure suka wan!!

  8. Isabel: aggg!! did u register for their sample the other time? they were giving out samples like mad. I can help u shop if u can't find :D

  9. i wonder if they'll have it for the arbutin range. i wanna try that. :)

  10. hey,which guardian outlet u found this?

  11. thx!! btw...i cant find this at times square.. :'(

  12. maybe out of stock there already :(

  13. i found it more than 2months... haiz........ hope to get a package as urs... :)

  14. :( oh my package not the rm129 one.. i wish i have the bag in the rm129 one >_< store my hada labo things..


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