Heart Shape Hard Boiled Egg

this is the almost completed step 
(leave for 10mins)

result: almost heart shape! haha

Few days ago I blogged up about this popular Bento Blogger who recently posted up how to make heart shape boiled egg from DIY (using what's around you). I tried that today for dinner, I cut up a box into a rectangular piece, folded it in half and then placed my hard boiled egg in the middle. Using one chopstick, I placed it across the egg and secure each end with a rubber band tied to the cardboard. For more detailed and photo step by step, please check out Anna The Red here! My Heart Shape Hard Boiled Egg isn't perfect :( few mistakes I learn:
  • boiled egg hard! 10-15mins (u need the yolk to be hard or it'll ruin ur shape)
  • don't be afraid to placed the chopstick hard into the middle (so to create that arch)
  • use bigger sized eggs, small eggs will be problematic
  • pray that the egg yolk don't harden at the sides or it'll rupture the shape.
Well I'll practice until I get a perfect heart shaped egg! so I can make nice bento/salad heart shape for my bf.


  1. hahaha! I thought of doing this but hm.. Maybe not xD The one on her blog looked so perfect!

  2. so cool. ill try~
    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ... vividfusion.blogspot.com ....Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

  3. Heart shape egg in ur bf bento! That's sweet!

  4. hehehhehehhe... so cuteeee.....

  5. wah the yolk urs look more delicious wor......i love yolks like that one.......orangey one.....safegg.......

    tutu j

  6. It's cute and sounds very cool. I want to try how to make a heart shape out of that boiled egg.

  7. Awww Sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted but it still looks yummy!

    I love the list of mistakes you learned from because that's probably the MOST important things when you cook food! A lot of people just give up after one try, but what they don't realize is that they can learn a lot from their mistakes and do soooo much better the next time! :D

    Best of luck to you!

    A freshly cooked hard-boiled egg with a roundish chopstick works the best. (also if you can find it, try using a milk carton. From my experience, it's the strongest and the most re-usable material for this.)


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