Guest Writer Wanted for Sa Sa Malaysia!

itching to review this? 

There's nothing better than getting free products to review right? at least that's the trend now for bloggers and facebook fans! The joy of trying new products and being able to share about it is how you say it? "high" or on 7th heaven. For you budding bloggers and girls out there who owned a blog and rambles about all things girly (beauty etc shopping) try out your luck to apply to Sa Sa Malaysia to review this cool product! Sa Sa Malaysia has allocated 100 units and is giving about to 30 bloggers and 70 fans (Facebook & Twitter!). Click here to find out more and to read the terms and conditions set out if you're interested to join.


  1. CAMPAIGN: Guest Reviews for Collistar – Thermoactive Talasso Scrub

    Time of submission: 13th of October – 20th of October 2010
    Results to be out: 29th October 2010 (before 6p.m)
    Blogger’s blog post submission: 14th November 2010 (before 12a.m)

    - Have a personal blog (that’s about fashion, beauty and the joys & woes of being a woman)
    - Have been blogging actively for the past six months (at least four posts per month)
    - Interested to do a product trial and blog review for Collistar
    - Able to pick up the trial product from six selected Sa Sa Stores in KLANG VALLEY
    - Able to complete product trial and blog review by 14th November 2010 before 12a.m. (for bloggers)
    - Able to complete product trial and product survey by 14th November 2010 before 12a.m.(for Facebook and Twitter fans)

  2. Joelle: able to pick up product from selected Sasa outlets. If u need help for me to pick up i can do it n post to u lah :)

  3. awww.. Wanted to join but I've only be blogging for less than 3 months =/

  4. Isabel: u can join under facebook/twitter fan! :D by commenting in the last box, i am facebook fan of sasa wish to review this.

    Interested peeps, please click HERE to indicate your interest by 20th of October 2010.We will pick 30 lucky bloggers and 70 lucky fans(from Facebook and Twitter) and notify these readers/fans by 29th of October 2010. Updates will be done via our FACEBOOK and TWITTER as well.

  5. blog is near 3 mths old only ==" cannot lu...

  6. Nicole: u join under facebook/twitter fan! :D can one


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