Wevents: Love Your Body Love Your World Workshop

20.11.10 3-m-7pm
Studio V, Ground Floor One U New Wing

Registrations are only open for 70 pax (working women only) on a first come first serve basis. Please follow the link for registration. 

Only confirmed registered guests will be admitted.WEVents members who have pre-registered and receive your confirmation of registration do not need to register again.

Attendees, please note that in support of the environment and Saturday being a no plastic bag day, we will not be giving out any paper bags during the event. 
Please bring your own (BYO) recycle bag for the goody bag items.

Full details see: http://www.wevents.com.my/


  1. it's close when i find out.. T.T

  2. sob!sob!it's closed already..i juz found out abt it..sob!-angelzoe-


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