A Day at Phillip Wain, StarHill: Women's Haven

let me take you a tour around Phillip Wain today

Remember I said I would be going to Phillip Wain, StarHill for a review? I did and today you're going to see awesome pics of the place as the kitty here went undercover to uncover what lies in a fitness health center made just for the female species. This means...

No Men Allowed - Period.

Thanks to an invitation to try their signature spa treatment called the "Aromatic Infusion Hydrobath". It's a bath which takes place in a private room where a hydrobath tub is prepared with essential oil. Sounds lovely? I couldn't wait to try it :)

But first let me show you my undercover pictures of the women only sanctuary, Phillip Wain, one of the Asia's largest ladies only fitness and beauty club (16,000 square feet center!). Be warn I'm going to show quite a number of photographs to show you why Phillip Wain deserves to be an all round fitness health center, equipped with not only fitness facilities but with beauty treatment facilities as well (e.g beauty, massage, slimming, spas). 

when you first walk in

a spacious & cozy health juice bar

sports & skincare boutique available

State-of-art gymnasium equipments to exercise in peace
(without needing to worry about men)

Over 50 dance & exercises classes weekly

grab your set of towel, robe, slippers & locker key

at the changing room where I continue to spy

feast your eyes in the huge women's locker area

General & Private lockers

you can have a quick change in these rooms

yes there's sauna & steam rooms

peeping into the sauna room (resting bed chairs outside)

Shower facilities & amenities provided

clean bathrooms

resting area between treatments

sipping my ginger tea before my session

I'l be heading this way to the treatment rooms

Did my "spy" pics make you want to come to Phillip Wain too? heh wait till you hear about my  Aromatic Infusion Hydrobath which is 1hour 30minutes! I found out that it's the only treatment that takes that long here. First you probably ask why the fancy name? I think the name speaks for itself. Here's why!

Relaxing & Calming
Improves blood circulation
Increases metabolism
Moisturizes the skin
Increases skin’s suppleness
Smoother and more velvety skin

For this special hydrobath, relaxing essential oil is poured into the bath while the jets running by an assistant. The smell of the essential oil creates an aromatic presence around the room, couple with dim lights and quiet serenity makes for the perfect relaxation. The bath takes about 20mins and the jets will be turned off for cool down. An assistant is readily available in the private room and she would advise you stay in the tub to cool down instead of hastily getting up. This is for health reasons, you don't want to faint or have sudden temperate change that would affect your blood pressure.

Aromatherapy oil scented massage & spa rooms

my bath reminds me of the "Thermae"
(bath houses with servants waiting on you)

You won't feel her presence there from the start unless you're not used to having a stranger while you're bathing. She's will not peep at you, but will be near the door (still inside the room). The assistant will help you dry off and offer you a cup of tea at the lounging area.

Lavender Oil Aroma Massage

After having to enjoy the cup of tea, I was lead to a massage room where I would continue with the Aroma Massage for 60mins. Lavender massage oil was used (like it was not enough relaxing already! hoo boy pure bliss). The massage had a combination of Swedish strokes with firm pressure to release the stiffness on my back and shoulders. There's nothing more I could ask for as I dozed off.

showered, changed & ready for my yummy meal
(nasi tomato with ayam merah cooked with olive oil)

The best part about my experience? Is that I get to bring a reader with me to experience Phillip Wain together (so you know I ain't pulling a quickie here). Introducing miss Fatin a reader I met while queuing up in the wee morning at Estée Lauder's Staff Sale back in 2009. Fatin didn't try the Aromatic Infusion Hydrobath, but something better! (better than me cries). She got to try the Stem Cell Facial.

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, 
but can an apple a day keep the aging signs away?

The Stemcell Facial is the breakthrough in natural approach to a younger looking you. Paired up with customized massage techniques to enhance penetration for a youthful and radiant look. Fatin was beaming radiant when she came out of the women's changing room to join me for a yummy meal of "nasi tomato with ayam merah". It came with a barley soup, ice-lemon tea and fruits. We never felt more pampered.

stem cell facial, I would love to try it too!
(after seeing how happy Fatin is)

I interviewed Fatin for her experience
(so you guys know I'm not joking about this whole episode!)

I asked how much is their membership? (who wouldn't after seeing this place). According to Phillip Wain, the charges differ from the type of packages a person sign up according to their needs. There's Annual Exercise Memberships, Facial Treatment Packages, Massage and Pampering Packages, Slimming Treatment Packages & Fitness and Pilates Packages. Professional and personalized consultation sessions, Physical Assessment and Body Fat Analysis and Professional Nutritional advices are given to members.
5 Reasons Why I would sign up Phillip Wain
1. If I work in Bukit Bintang, I can pop over to exercise to avoid jam.
2. No Men allowed. Enough said.
3. Established facility, clean and high class.
4. All in one center, where I can exercise, do beauty treatments, slimming or massage.
5. Food is awesome at the Health Juice Bar!

are you ready to experience Phillip Wain too?

Of course a review will not be complete without also inviting lucky readers to experience the all in one fitness and beauty club for ladies only! 10 lucky readers will get a 1 day pass to join an exercise class and enjoy the facilities at Phillip Wain (locker, sauna, steam, showers, gym). Classes such as belly dancing, dance, yoga, pilates, Capoeira, cardio hi-low, chi ball and a lot more once you get the pass you can choose.

How to Win the 1 Day Phillip Wain Pass?
Follower ID: (don't know how to follow? click here 2 read how to!)
Question: Tell me why you want to go to Phillip Wain Star Hill?

Giveaway starts today 3rd Oct and ends 10th Oct, 2012. Open to readers who can go :) Lucky 10 wins! Those will health problems, high blood pressure, medical conditions are advised to seek their doctor's advise first before joining this giveaway.

Starhill Gallery
Lot S28-S37,
Pamper Floor (Second Floor)
No 181 Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603-2148 2200

Operation Hours:
Mon - Fri : 7.00am - 9.30pm
Sat : 7.00am - 6.00pm
Sun : 11.00am - 6.00pm
Pub. Holidays : 11.00am - 6.00pm


  1. OMG!! No men gym? so nice *w*

    Follower ID: Arisa Chow
    E-mail: arisa1443@gmail.com
    Answer: I want to go Phillip Wain Star Hill because i'm a "gymaholic" and having it so close to me makes me even more curious to drop by! >w<

  2. Finally a gym exclusively for women, we can be comfortable in our own skin.

    I want to go to Philip Wain Star Hill because I am a SAHM and in desperate need for some pampering.

    Follower: yeoh Kristen
    name : Yeoh Kristen

  3. Follower ID: Candygal
    E-mail: candymylee@gmail.com
    Answer: I want to go Phillip Wain Star Hill because it's awesome to work out with BFF and have fun gossipping!

  4. Follower ID: shiro
    Name: Shiro Chen
    E-mail: ycchen920@gmail.com

    I want to go to Phillip Wain Star Hill because I want to enjoy this luxury pampering session and can't wait to be served like a Princess!
    I am now a 24/7 maid with a kid @.@ Can I just have a quiet time without diapers, milk and cries?
    Interested to sign up for their yoga session :)

  5. Follower ID: Sophia Wong
    Name: Sophia Wong
    E-mail: philo.sophiaw@gmail.com
    Reason: I wanna go Phillip Wain Star Hill because that place look so luxury (well it is!!) and I've never receive a royal treatment before in my 20 years and since my birthday is coming. hahha *hinthint* :P Plus, Phillip Wain Star Hill is a women only sanctuary so means guys are not allowed then ze girls can proceed their workout freely and not feeling embarrassed. So cool right? ExcitedExcited** :3

  6. Follower ID: anilah
    Name: Anilah Rajagopal
    E-mail: anilah87@gmail.com

    I want to go to Phillip Wain Star Hill because I'm such a promo freak :) I love joining contest/giveaways such as this to experience the finer things in life cos i wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise (for now!) :) I hope i get to go to this gorgeous place for a one-day indulgence in the ever-sophisticated starhill in uber-happening bukit bintang :p
    Have a fab weekend ahead, Tammy!

  7. Follower ID: Cindy
    Name: Cindy Chin
    E-mail: cindy_xinyi@yahoo.com

    I want to go to Philip Wain Star Hill because I want to see what is so different between the normal fitness center than Philip Wain. Can believe fitness & beauty can be done so easily just under one rooftop!! Let's make me believe

  8. Follower ID:ailing
    Name : Ng Ai Ling
    E-mail: irene_ng_ai_ling@yahoo.com
    Answer: I want to go Phillip Wain Star Hill because I want to see how a woman gym can combine with a luxurious spa!

  9. Follower ID: T.K. Letchumy
    Name: T.K. Letchumy
    Email: tk1284@yahoo.com
    Answer: I want to go Phillip Wain Star Hill because I have always wanted to work out in private away from the men's scrutinising eyes and I have never gone for any massage session in my entire life!

  10. Follower ID: Angel Ng/Angel Kee
    E-mail: angeline84ng@gmail.com
    Answer: I want to go Phillip Wain Star Hill because Tammy displayed the most expensive pampered session I have ever experienced and this top my "MUST DO" list. Its a brilliant idea for Phillip Wain Star Hill to allow woman to work out and enjoy the following session luxuriously.

  11. no men!!! I am planning to sign up gym too but haven't cox recently busy with house thingy..
    how much is this one?!!!! but i think this is super expensive according to those images that show the luxury of it..

    Follower ID: jean
    Name: Jean
    E-mail: purplewardrobe@gmail.com
    Question: I love the exclusiveness of this place which is only for women! imagine the freedom to sweat and the luxury touch on everything! I also love that this come with spa/facial services which other fitness centers don't have.

  12. Follower ID: arwen
    Name: Adriene
    E-mail: adriene_wong@hotmail.com
    Question : I want to go Phillip Wain Star Hill to enjoy luxurious spa treatment with the city's ceaseless change and compliment my fitness session at their sports boutique

  13. CONGRATULATIONS to 10 girls selected to try the Phillip Wain Only Women Men Not Allowed Gym in Star Hill!

    "Jean Yong" , angeline84ng@gmail.com, tk1284@yahoo.com, "chin cindy" , philo.sophiaw@gmail.com, anilah87@gmail.com, "Candy Lee" , ycchen920@gmail.com, "Arisa Chow" , "adriene wong" ,

    I have created a google doc form to better facilitate winner registration details, it's sent to you all. Please let me know if you didn't get it. Congrats again :)

    1. Thank you Tammy and Philip Wain!!!

    2. Thank you Tammy! muacks muacks muacks~
      Just filled up the form.
      wheee...time to catch up with you there!

    3. Hi Tammy, Thanks for picking me! The feeling of luck is coming to me this yearrrrr!! :D
      But, I didn't receive any google doc form from you? Can you send it again? heheheh
      Thankyouuuuu! :3

    4. alright resend to philo.sophiaw@gmail.com! :) pls check

  14. Dear Tammy, how about the membership fees for health and fitness at phillip wains ?It expensive or so-so?

    1. heard from a friend that she inquire recently, it's rm500 a month for gym & classes.

    2. just few days ago bumped into a friend who has membership in this gym, she said she paid 1 year RM3k only (means RM250 each month)


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