Branded Fragrance & Cosmetics Warehouse Sales

I got this flyer from mail box. Looks like the famous Corus/Armada hotel perfume sales is back! I check out sns and no sign of this sale. Guess I'm a lucky miu to have the flyer!!! My scanner KOED so I put angel poring magnet on the flyer to flatten it n take pic haha.Angel Poring is mine!

Brand Fragrance & Cosmetics Warehouse Sales!
2-4th April 2009
Ballroom 1, Level 1,
Time: 10am - 6.30pm

Up to 70% off!

Paul & Joe
Kate Moss
Paris Hilton
David Beckham
Miss Sixty
and many more...

*Visa & Master Credit Card accepted for purchases min RM80 & above.
*Items sold are not exchangeable & non-refundable.

You can check out my previous reviews about this warehouse sales.
I've been to this warehouse sales for 4 years roughly. I'm still quite new to the warehouse sales scene! The prices for this warehouse sales by Prestige (distributor) is quite reasonable. However the Q is horrible for the past year. I remember I Q to pay for 4 hours at Armada Hotel, on the first day it was CRAAAAAAAAAZY. The following days were much better.

But u know, good stuffs are gone by the 1st day.


  1. ohhh miu miu!!!it sounds sooooo interesting...are u going?

  2. not sure.. coz i'm goin to perth from 25th - 1st April.

    Might be bankrupt already by the time i touch down KL back.

    Plus working day.. i already exhausted 4 days leave to go Perth, boss will kill me if i go.

    Looks like i'm not goin loh :(

  3. ahaa...its ok..u must have shopped like crazy in perth also going to Bandung to shop end of this month..looks like both of us gonna shop shop shop!

  4. Perth is a very nice place to go. Go around Fremantle for seafood and many more. I had an entry on me traveling to perth.

    Where is Corus Hotel anyways?

  5. hey gal.. do we need an invitation to go?

  6. hey miu, where u buy ur angel poring magnetic thinggy ar??? aiyo so cuteeeeeee.....u play " raganarok " ar?

  7. Ooooooh... tempting, sooo tempting... but i think i will wait for the warehse sale with Escada n Anna Sui... i didn't miss it yet, did i?

  8. Dila: haha not only perth.. right now already negative sign! haha..

    Mei-Wah: working day woah babe!

    Traclyn: OH! thanks! will check that post out, i really have no idea what to do. Corus Hotel urm near Jln Ampang, KL.

    Waiting for Miracle: no need invitation, walk in :)

    Anonymous: LOL yes! I played RO since it started and then quit just b4 the the.. metal city come out? I won lots of contest so got lotsa angel poring magnet! but their wings all broken now, left some still intact T_T

    Haze: YEA i wait for Anna sui also. Didn't hear anything about it yet :(

  9. ooo! nv been to a warehouse sale b4.. most probably i'll go take a look.. hehe.. anyway.. i happen to have read ur blog for the 1st time a few days ago.. n i have saved it in my favorites.. lolx.. keep it up.. nice blog u have here.. :)

  10. I'm definitely going! All the good stuff gone by 1st day? *sighs* would it make a difference if I went at 2pm? got class in the morning and I can't skip anymore or I'd be barred from exam!

    Thanks so much for the price list. I can imagine that it's a lot of trouble and I salute you for that!

  11. correction: the good stuff at warehouse sales is usually gone within the 1st couple hours of the 1st day.

    that's why people queue hours before the doors open just to make sure they're among the first to get in.

    i'm one of those. heheh. nothing better to do so go n stand in line like some kiasu bugger.

  12. hi miu....
    going to perth on 25th? me going to gold coast and brisbane on 28th...
    LEts enjoy our australia trip and enjoy your shopping spree there!

    I guess u will definately going to this warehouse sale after you come back. hehehe.....

    have u plan what to grab in australia? any tips for me?
    I m still blur blur....

  13. any benefit stuff this time?


  14. abby: nope

    Jakun Tourist: lol yap :) me too.. but i'm not going to this one, calling it a miss.

    Paris: wahh babe yours more enjoyable lah! mine is... boring perth!! yours can eat lotsa lobster n theme park ride! i won't be goin warehouse sale :( go australia grab the roxy/silver/etc brands loh i heard cheap there.

    connie: :( oh u'll miss the really good stuffs in the morning, but by noon there's still good stuffs.. it's a working day should be ok still.

    waitin for miracle: there's always first for everything :) hope u enjoy your warehouse sales experience! dress light, don't bring too much stuffs, if u can just hp and your cash in your jeans. Ty for the compliment :")

  15. Thanks:)
    then no choice, I'll just go at noon. Just interested in the P&J cosmetics actually. no intention of getting fragrances.

  16. going for P&J cosmetics? then don't worry lah.. by noon still ok dont worry.

  17. hm...i'm just would like to go and hv an experiance on warehouse sales (nvr been before)...but now pregnt.....sigh...any pregn't lady grab at w/house ?heheeh

  18. oh yea... how early do i have to go to line up? ahha.. based on ur last experience at the corus hotel..

    bags r not allowed is it?

  19. 1 hour b4 is the thumb rule.

    Bags not allowed, they'll tied it up in a plastic bag for u.. and that will only hinder u from focusing on the sales. Bring what u need only and go light.

  20. ann: preggers dun go loh! dangerous.. during peak time

  21. I like the angeling dolls. Haha I used to play RO a lot! mm too bad you can't go, but I hope you have fun at Perth! :)

  22. Diana: mee too!! lol.. now u're playing WOW?

    Waitin for Miracle: peak time ah.. like if it's working day, it's lunch time banyak orang. IF weekend then expect banyak orang @___@

  23. wat time should be at there?

  24. they're open from:

    Time: 10am - 6.30pm

  25. hye i was just looking through ur blog...are those magnets ? those pink things with wings? wer u get dem?? they are mega cute!!

  26. Yes they are! magnets that I won from Ragnarok Online contests years ago! :) i got like hundreds of them.. but now left like a few only. The wings break easily.


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