Clarin's Pure Pampering Workshop

Clarin's Pure Pampering Workshop

Yesterday I went to the Clarin's Pure Pampering workshop at Marmalade Cafe @ Mont Kiara, KL organized by Female & Marie France magazine for its reader. I knew about this before Chinese New Year and manage to be the first few callers who signed up for this workshop. I am no doubt a Clarin's fan! so this workshop is fabulous for me, especially since it's about their new White Plus HP Intensive Whitening Botanical Program using this rare flower called the "Snow Lotus".

Sounds familiar? did it remind you of the famous Bridgitte Lin & Leslie Cheung romance movie - "The Bride with White Hair"? [google for youtube videos on it here]. It's a tragic romance story about the lovers and with the bride's hair turning white in the end, as she suffers to be with the man she loves. With her going mad with white hair, her man sets out to the snowy mountains in search of a rare white flower which will cure and bring back his love to him. Yeap, that's why when I first heard of Snow Lotus from the Himalayas I think of this movie.

that's Immi we chatted outside b4 going in

Back to the workshop! I came early so I wasn't allowed to go in yet. Luckily Immi came early so we could chat before going in for registration at 1.30pm. I was a bit sad that some of my friends couldn't come. It would be so much fun if they came.

the stage

the facial demo area

each table has this poster that highlights the event's agenda
(and special promotion for Female & Marie Claire's readers)

the makeover area

inside marmalade cafe, very dimmed
(don't like taking pictures in this light)

Registration was from 1.30-2.00pm. Immi & I had nothing to do until a Clarin's lady came over to give us a hand pampering session which lasted for a few minutes. She demonstrated and explained to us what each product does and taught us how to apply using the Clarin's touch. I was surprised that despite being called a "hand pampering" session, it was actually only a 1 hand demo. It would've been better if both arms were done, this would've made the guests feel "complete" and fully enjoyed a hand pampering session.

The Clarin's presentation started at 2pm with Erinn Tan introducing & explaining to us the new Snow Lotus range in the White Plus HP Intensive Whitening Botanical Program which guarantees results after 3 weeks! (I am so tempted now). There was a slide presentation on Snow Lotus too. Here's something you should know about it:
"The Flower of the Snow Lotus closely resembles that of the sacred lotus from Asia. However, this plant is not found on the water but in regions covered in permanent snow between 3,500 and 5,000 m altitude in the mountains of north-west China and the Himalayas. The only herbaceous plant able to survive in such extreme conditions, the Snow Lotus demonstrates its incredible vitality by producing magnificent white flowers despite the intensity of the sun at such high altitudes. Well known in traditional Chinese medicine, it is used for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties. It is now a protected species which is harvested through controlled cultivation.

Chosen by Clarins Laboratories for its exceptional capacity to fight free radicals, the Snow Lotus has become the key active ingredient in the White Plus HP Treatment Program." - Clarin's Website

When the presentation ended, a facial demo + hands on started. Earlier on me & Immi were asked by the beautician speaker to be facial demo models for the workshop. This is my first time becoming a model for any workshop. Very embarrassed and shy! especially since I am plus size but since it's Clarin's Facial demo, I said YES without thinking because I love Clarin's treatments so much! the touch, the smell, the products just makes me melt by the end of the session & I'll be beaming with delight.

I was given a 20mins facial demo using the Snow Lotus!

follows by a very cooling & soothing

it ended with a head massage oh so nice

I'm so happy to have experience the Snow Lotus Facial demo even if it's just a short one! The beautician was so good and I enjoyed the facial so much. The Clarin's touch is really truly magical. When the demo ended, she asked me how I felt, I was so so so nervous!!! Well I told her and everyone else that I felt refreshed and the mask was cooling & soothing (so important for my sensitive cheeks).

Low Ngai Yuen (TV & Theatre Director Producer)

Sheahnee Iman Lee (News Anchor, NTV7)

Ayna asking Ngai Yuen some questions

After the facial demo, it was time for the celebrity testimonial. Two special speakers came they were Ngai Yuen (remember 3R?) and Sheahnee (NTV7 news achor). They both looked good, radiant & happy! I'm very surprised at Ngai Yuen's changed. She's said she's tan & after using this product she looks so much younger and radiant. Her husband notice her change even after 1 week! normally she'll looked like "baked" coming back from work. Sheahnee said at first she wasn't interested but she gave it a try and was amazed with the results! Gosh no wonder Clarins guarantees results after 3 weeks using this program.

the yummy desserts

there's pasta, mini pies & finger food

The workshop presentation ended and light refreshments were served. The food looks fantastic. I love the garlic shrimp pasta! Everyone sat down and began chatting about the products, the demos, the workshop and my friends asked me about my experience as a Clarin's member. I first fall in love with Clarins after experiencing the "Clarin's Touch". Their soothing massages for face & body was like butter melting on toast. I always come out radiating with light & so relaxed after a treatment. If it wasn't so expensive, I'll be going facials every week just to relax! (I am now using their Hydra Quench skincare range & bodycare products! I love their body scrub, huile "tonic" @ water retention massage oil & hand & nail lotion).


manicure & nail art

Free Pampering Sessions for everyone! makeovers, basic manicures and nail art! While waiting to do our nails, we camwhore a bit! haha here's some pictures of us with our makeovers done. It was just a simple make up. All of us were wondering what happened to the "Head & Shoulder" massage that was in the workshop highlight? was it forgotten or something? I didn't see anybody getting a massage besides the hand pampering session.

jasmine had a bad day & was sad

Ayna & Me

Ayna came as well. She's so lucky to have come! because the workshop was full, Female Mag put her on waiting list. She got called and here she is! She came late too but manage to come just in time to help take pictures of me doing my facial demo. Thanks Babe!!!

special trial sets for Female & Marie France readers

I didnt' buy their promotion whitening starter kits that's being sold for RM70 & RM150 respectively. A lady told me it was the Snow Lotus kits but after speaking to another beautician, I found out it's not. I didn't want to buy another range when I already have my regular range to use. Furthermore I'm more interested in the Snow Lotus 3 weeks program so I'm going to save to buy that!

our door gift a.k.a goodie bag!

Here's me posing with my makeover & goodie bag. Inside - White Plus HP Hydrating Whitening Aqua-Milk 10ml, Protective Whitening Day Lotion 5ml, a mini lipstick & miniature par Amour perfume. Do I look good? I mean my skin haha! I've used Clarins for 2 years now!

I was shock Erinn remembered me from previous workshops! while presenting, she named a few familiar faces and my name was mentioned. Great memory! Infact now that I am home, I recalled being in Clarin's workshop for 3 times already. The first was last year at One World Hotel with Mr. Olivier Courtin, second was their Instant Light workshop few months back and third is this! She's really nice and friendly, wished I taken a picture with her T_T

(oh and maybe she remembered me from the Clarin's Beauty Fair Sales too last year) shh..

Sorry for the long and winding post about the workshop! I hope you girls enjoy reading! Thanks to Clarins for a wonderful day & facial demo (oh la la) and friends & bloggers for attending with me. I'd like to read your reviews too on this workshop! so drop me a comment with your link!


  1. hi mui

    i tried to look for your email add but i couldnt find it. i was wondering if u could reconsider letting go one of the mac hello kitty lip gloss as i really want to get it for my gf's bday. but unfortunately its sold out. would u contact me if u do change ur mind!

    evanlau8 (at)gmail dot com

  2. hurrhurrhurr#1 :( sad to the max that i didn't go. but i'm happy that you had so much fun there~

    hurrhurrhurr#2 why didnt put my picture with u??? :(

  3. Hi Evan, when is your gf bday? is it really sold out? have u try all the MAC in the klang valley?

    i'll drop u an email, but i'm not sure if i want to sell my lip glosses.

  4. Hi Miu,

    Waaaa, who's the celebrity toddler in the pix ah???? ;)....joking la...

    Thanks for sending me the pix.

    I can only online at this time of the night/day. That's when the Izzi Net works fine for me. Daytime bad...can't write abt YSL yet.

    Anyways, have fun in Perth. See you when you get back, now that I know how to go to your place. ;)

  5. *sob sob sob* me too.. I'm terribly sad too... so angry with my hb *argh*

  6. miu2, it's a very2 nice review... i'm sooo damn lazy to blog about it, hehhehe =P enjoy ur holiday and bring back cute guys for me, hehhehe ^_^

  7. Hi Mui,

    Loved your post about the workshop.
    It was such an interesting read. Do check out Clarins just launched this lovely contest site in conjuction with the launch of the IWBP range. Being a Clarins fan you'll definitely want to take a shot at winning the contest prizes that have.

  8. hi saskia, thanks for the comment! i love clarins but.. hmm their contest i have never join b4 bcoz large purchases needed to enter.. i'll go for the vouchers though! :)

    thanks! gona check the link out :D


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