YSL cancels Sunday Workshop

angry miu

I have been so #$#$% piss since Wednesday after receiving e-mail notification from Emmagem.com and phone calls from YSL telling me that the workshop session I PAID & REGISTERED for is now CANCELED. Reason by YSL? "unforeseen circumstances". I'd really like to know what UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES can happened 5 days before the workshop event! Actually I DO KNOW but I won't blog about it here. In fact I have already guessed why it could be cancel! and I was right!

First & foremost, I decided to forget about the workshop being CANCELED until I receive 2 e-mails yesterday & today from Parkson Elite & Time Out KL about this workshop. Note that you can see from the website the workshop dates are still ON despite me being told its CANCELED.

Fine, maybe they didn't have the time to update the websites about the "CANCELLATION". However I am already very UPSET ABOUT THE CANCELLATION so you'll be reading some "uncontrollable angry words" from me (ok I will try to calm down).

There are REASONS to why people choose a particular date to attend your workshop. You don't CANCEL and SQUEEZE THEM into other sessions thinking they will be OKAY about it. I will not be so PISS if YSL was remorseful enough about the situation! They were not even considerate of my circumstances when I told them I could not go on Saturday's session as I already have my schedules all work out and I would need to rushed off to another EVENT at 1pm. I was told this workshop would last 11am - 1pm but my next appointment is at 1pm! I would still need to travel to my next location within 30minutes if I leave at 1pm and Bukit Bintang is a JAM cracked place on Saturday noon! also parking time?

I also found out that their RM120 VOUCHER has to be redeemed on that day itself after the workshop! so let's just say I could go but I can't stay to redeem my voucher as I have no time. YSL did not want to extend my voucher =_= nor let me use it at other branches (this hesitation made me realize they just want to earn sales at their counter only).

sad upset miu

First of all they CANCEL not me. Secondly due to the cancelation and therefore I lose out on all the fabulous stuffs that I was suppose to get on SUNDAY. That's MAKE UP WORKSHOP, MAKEOVER, DOOR GIFT RM120, YSL GOLD LIPSTICK WORTH RM89 AND A 10ML PERFUME as the early birds who registered! Thirdly even if I do CANCEL ALL MY OTHER APPOINTMENTS just to go on SAT, will YSL love me more? - NO. Due to their "UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES" you won't be seeing me at YSL workshop anymore.

If you were in my situation, what would you do? how do you feel? I email the person in charge yesterday and she never reply my e-mail. Don't worry it was not an angry mail like todays!

Update this is the e-mail I sent:
This was the e-mail I sent Rebecca on the day she called me up to tell me about my workshop cancelation. She never reply my e-mail or call me back again. Since i was ignored, I asked for a refund from emmagem.com (the site I register for this workshop). It was clear that customer service was not YSL or Rebecca's priority hence I would not try to waste my time and effort forcing myself to attend the Saturday's workshop. Don't go pay for YSL workshops in the future, they may just CANCEL IT whenever they like and u get back your money in a month's time (even FDs would give u interest for a month. ysl? they dun give a dam).

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you for calling me. I have intended to write earlier but did not due to work.

I am disappointed that the YSL Workshop on Sunday has to be cancel when some of us have already confirmed, paid and allocated our schedule just to attend this workshop which should be very interesting and fun. As Friday is a working day, I can not attend the workshops. That leaves Saturday which is a tight schedule for me as I am attending another event from 1-5pm that also includes a makeover. I will have to go with the Saturday morning option and rushed off to my next session because of Sunday's cancellation.

Earlier a lady call me from YSL as well, informing me of this matter. She said she will come back to me about my request to extend my voucher (to purchase ysl cosmetic) as I will be rushing off to my next location and make it in time for the registration and opening.

I hope that YSL understands the inconveniences it has brought to us, the registrants and at least extends the voucher validity and counter locations to enable us to use the voucher at our convenience at the nearest YSL counter to us.

Yours faithfully,


  1. wah! what kind of event organizer is that? how can they treat customers like that?

  2. What crappy organizing! I say you give them a piece of your mind, babe. Bring it straight to the top level... make yourself heard!

    p/s: Cute kitty pics btw.. ;)

  3. O owh..wut happen...? They are sooo x patut kan. sesuke hati je. I'm pissed off too.... Grrrrr...>:(

  4. YSL is not under Suria Meriang, Miu. It is under Luxasia. Rebecca is the Product Manager for it I believe (have met her before)and she is just the loveliest person ever.

  5. Sorry it's not? Von said it was. Nvm i will edit that off.

    Unfortunately that's not how i feel.

  6. Yes, YSL is under Luxasia, the same people distributing Stila as well.

    Sorry Miu, I couldn't resist. Yes I have met Rebecca personally and my experience with her, frankly speaking, was lovingly unpleasant.

  7. I like the expression on the cats!

  8. Anyway I am logging off now. I really do hope you get at least a redemption. If you are unhappy with her attitude, please feel free to call Luxasia and speak directly to their management about their services.

  9. Well my email wasn't replied so that's how much Rebecca or YSL cared. I don't have energy like von to call Luxasia up to talk about it. Furthermore I do love some of the Luxasia management people especially the ones who took care of Stila & RMK.

    Just becareful about paying up for workshops under YSL in the future. They may just cancel it anytime. Get your money back in 1 month's time. Even FD gives interest.


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