Pink Polka Dots

Almost forgot to tell you girls about my Kotex hauled this month. I bought this limited edition Kotex overnight long wings set that comes with a cute pink and black polka dots box that has 16 Kotex pads inside. It's RM10++ at your nearest Guardian shops! I am so tempted to use the box to store other stuffs (besides pads). It's so cute right??? bravo Kotex! Can't believe I need to tell u all about some pad =_= stuff the night before I fly off to Perth.


  1. i like this, will go get it this weekend...

    btw, wish you "one road follow the wind" ... enjoy you trip ^^

  2. I really love the box but I cant use Kotex. It gives me irritations. So sad, I want the box so much. Nicely decorated.

  3. Hey Miu, I want the box! haha we use the same pads. This is the first time I see anything extraordinary from Kotex. I've been using it for like 6 years and the only thing fun they had was the colorful packaging one.

  4. wah.. i want the box too!! so cute!
    im gonna get this soon!

  5. Oh My God!
    Sooo cute!
    Really need to get this!
    Thanks for the info!


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