Plus size also can win!

I'd like to say that I am very happy to have won the MAC Hello Kitty Mild/Wild dress theme (because of voters! ty ty). Thanks to Dee for being so considerate by bringing me a pink ribbon to tie on my head. Dee wore a black ribbon, as she's more to the "wild kitty" theme. Both of us walked into the event and the SA looked at us and say "You 2 must be Hello Kitty fans!". Yes we are I said!!! Dee really looked gorgeous no that day. When I saw her, I had no doubt she will win for sure! the DJ nominated her! so that's her beauty power meooowww~~ !!!

We receive a gold package containing 4 MAC items inside. A small pouch, lipstick, eyeshadow and glitter eye liner. Awesome! not bad for a prize. I think they gave out 5 of these? not sure, coz Q&A also get the same prize, maybe different colors? I manage to snap some pictures of the other winners of the Hello Kitty Mild/Wild dress theme.

oh this girl is so cute, i like her bow pink dress

I think this is VogueFemme, nice pink stockings

this is Queen of the Wild Kitties, Dee

Don't have anymore pictures. I don't know who else won :( if u know let me know.


  1. cute gler both of u n dee... hehehe ^_^

  2. except for the creepy guys dressed up you had fun although the Wild kitty looks like a girl from the old cartoon Josey and the pussycats! As long as you had fun then it was a day well spent

  3. That's really me there. Haha thanks for posting up. Your guess is right.

  4. hi Tracylyn! so you're VogueFemme!!!

    hahah yeah i saw u too & sky told me you're voguefemme :D nice 2 meet u!!!

    i'm goin to hop over your blog to see your review! :)


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