Anna The Red: My Bento Making Heroin

I was just sitting at Starbucks Uptown while waiting for my bf's car to service. Drank Ice Lemon Tea and pick up a copy of MYC! News Magazine (short for Malaysia College). I browse and saw the Page title Food On The Run talking about 8 steps to a Happy Packed Lunch. I recognized a picture of a bento on this page of a Totoro holding up a watermelon. It belongs to Anna The Red's bento creations! I am 100% sure it's her bento image! so I got on my blackberry wifi and checked out Anna The Red's Bento Blog. True enough it's her bento image and I notice MYC! News kinda "hide/cover" her name watermark on the image (bad!). They didn't even mention it's her fabulous bento creations/image. I wonder if they even asked for her permission? anyway this gives me a good chance to tell you all about her Bento Blog if u people don't know about it yet. Just looking at her bento pictures makes me... feel like making a anime bento (but I know I won't be able to do it as good as Anna's!). 

(so creative n yummy slurp)

Check out more cool bento making creations and yummy bento pictures from Anna's bento blog by clicking the link above. During days that I need some creative juice pumping, I'll be reading her blog. It's totally amazing, even Google Chrome asked her to do a Google Chrome Bento! and she has a video on how she did it as well..which is totally cool.


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