Can't go Watson's Perfect 10 Workshop

So sad, I was invited by Watsons to attend the Watson's Perfect 10 Workshop at Bukit Cahaya, Shah Alam which is actually today 7am-4pm with lotsa fun actvities, talk, flying fox stuff, lucky draw, games, prizes and goodie bag but the flu bug caught up with me. I am at home now on a Saturday resting. I don't want to go see doctor, I know he's going to give me the usual medicine so I rather go Watsons to buy my own - fight fever & flu off kit.

my rescue kit

The never fail Panadol Soluble for Fever & Flu, Hisamitsu Bye ByeFever (cooling patch on head that soothes your headache/fever), Woods Peppermind cough syrup (that can sooth my throat also bcoz now I'm having sorethroat) and trusty Vicks Inhaler (my jammed up nose love this stuff!). Yes this weekend, shopping is put on hold.


  1. are you sure its just the common cold?
    i was sick with fever cough and flu last tues
    after a rapid flu test, i was positive with h1n1 and am now being quarantine for 7 days.
    im lucky that it was detected early
    better safe than sorry

  2. I will continue to monitor :(

    if i go doctor, he will say not h1n1.. coz no cough.. sigh

    either no cough+everything = not h1n1
    no fever+everything got = not h1n1
    no flu + everything got = not h1n1..


  3. ohhh... poor you!

    i'm recovering from the flu myself... hope you feel better soon ;)

  4. haha my doctor say even if no fever also can be h1n1 damn it was scary
    another 2 days and i should be free
    you can just ask for the rapid flu test
    they will take a swab sample from your nose
    results in less than 15 minutes

  5. Take care!
    I was in D'House (digi office) for D'Tour today..which was awesome! I won spa vouchers worth RM2k++!!
    will write about it soon~

  6. jean: wow awesome! pls blog? i wanna read

  7. you're sick too? did you catch it from me? haha...been sick even before hong kong. sigh. still got a bit to go some more. stuck at home.

    how to buy Locci stuff when you're sick dear?

    take care! let me know if the flu kit works! i should try it. never tried any of those 3 things

    @jean, wow!! cool! blog! in english please? i really can't read your posts

  8. get well soon dear :)..i know i shouldn't laugh at sick ppl but i can't help it..ur sick pic look funny lar with the inhaler stuffed to ur nose hahha..opsss sorry!! ;p

  9. Sorry to hear bout that. I'd like to personally share with you my home remedy i often use in this occurance. Ginger honey lemon tea.

    1. Put some slices of fresh ginger in a pot of water. Bring to boil for the 1st 5 mins and simmer in next 5 mins.

    2. add sugar and honey to taste, and squeeze some lemon juice.

    3. Pour into a mug / teapot and drink it. =)

    (if you're having a heaty kind of fever, to cool down, use a few stalks of lemongrass instead of ginger. you can either slice it or smash it then boil)

  10. Oh my... hahahha... But I understand that situation.. I just recover from the same symptom...

  11. get well soon :)

    eh.. u snap the pic or bf did? hehe..


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