Nuyou Cake Connection Workshop

my very own cupcakes *yum*

HOLA! I just came back from the exciting and also interesting Cupcake Workshop organized by Nuyou Magazine and Cake Connection (a baking school/shop I think) at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya today! The workshop started at 6pm until 9pm! 3 hours I know! but you know what.. this workshop was so fun that 3 hours seems like just flash by! I would like to share more but bcoz I don't have a pc atm, my bf is giving me some devil look on his face now for using his pc to blabber. Will talk more again, but now pls check out my cupcake creations! I have personally decorated the cupcakes after what I learned from the workshop today!!!

"MEOW!" Miu at Cupcake Workshop!
Which would you buy if u see this at shop?!
pink choco cupcake

pink spring cupcake

pink fiesta cupcake


  1. sounds really great n fun ~~
    i did registered for the next cupcake workshop, but not sure am i in or not><

    cant wait for the coming cupcake workshop^^

  2. Liking the 2 with the flowers! I wanna learn how to make cupcakes too! Remember to invite me next time ya hehe...

  3. That coffee container looks good in pictures.. lol!

    You've perfected the art of making swirls.. Pretty!

  4. love the pink spring and pink fiesta~~~^^

  5. Zoe:

    OH u better check with Nuyou Magazine if u r in the workshop! the next one gona be..really cool...

  6. cai: everyone who go got goodie bag somore.. :( u really missed it loh

  7. Abby: this one basic workshop, but they give recipe n show you how to do cupcake. Later then take the cupcakes out and teach us hands on how to decorate. It was really fun..

  8. Fatin: yeah surprisingly right!!!

    that's about the only thing i know how to do ..yesterday lol..

  9. Jean: u blog bout yours yet or not? i wanna see ur pics!

  10. Baby: u r right.. it's SINFUL!!! but which one pretty to buy? let's say we can't gain weight ahhaa

  11. I enjoyed the workshop very much!!

    The cupcake and icing are not too sweet - just very delicious.

    Nancy, the w/shop leader, gave us copies of the cupcake recipe and demonstrated how to make them at the w/shop - it looked very easy.

  12. Interesting n fun workshop! Mium frm the pic i like ur pink spring cupcake! but i will still buy ur pink choco cupcake. :)Will put up mine soon haha

  13. Hi Miu,

    Nice cupcakes...
    Any idea how to join this workshop and how much is the cost? Im kinda interested. Now im hungry for dessert after checking out your creations.

  14. I adored the pink spring cupcake, simple decoration and look delicious.

  15. hehe.. got make for your honey or not?


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