Be Berryfied With DiGi - Pancakes

anywhere, anytime with my Digi BlackBerry

I went to Paddington house of pancakes (PHOP) today for their special lunch set which I heard from my reader Taysir. She recommended it citing the price of RM13-80++ lunch set is amazing for pancake fans. YEA true enough I went there to spy at the lunch set menu. For RM13-80, you can choose between 3 main course meals, a variety of drinks (hot/cold) and a special PHOP dollar pancake sundae dessert (yeah this is the cherry on the icing!). What a great deal! I enjoyed the dollar pancake sundae so much, it has coin size pancakes on top of vanilla ice-cream (my fave), drizzle with berry sauce & nuts! yummy!

Paddington @ One Utama

the lunch set promotion

my main course "TEXAS"
(Grilled Chicken, tomato, oyster mushroom, mozzarella
& BBQ sauce on top of pancake rolls & mash potato)

my dollar pancake sundae special dessert!

to talk more.. coz now I am hungry, going out mamak to eat! ops am I getting too freaky with my BlackBerry? been attached to it until it wants to eat my dessert. Actually more pictures in my Facebook coz I was talking and snapping pictures uploading in there while waiting for my food to come haha.


  1. Looks like your BlackBerry has learnt to be picture happy! Lol!

  2. hi miu, hope you take part :)

  3. is this lunch set available at all PHOP or just One U only??? ><

    btw, love the 'loo-like-emo' pic in ur blackberry :)


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