L'Oreal Renewal Lash Serum - Say Goodbye To Short Lashes!

Freida Pinto is India’s youngest Dream Girl

Ever since I was born, I have been asking this one question "WHY ARE MY LASHES so darn little/short?!" grrr it makes me angry just thinking about it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining that I shouldn't be born or that I am ungrateful towards the beauty God has bestow me but being human, I do get jealous when I see my Indian friends not needing any super duper lash magic wand (a.k.a mascara that makes your lash either longer/fuller/magically look like falsies). Let's not forget those celebrity with amazing eyelashes batting on the silver screen.
a elixir, a renewal concentrate, a lash booster & a
treatment to reduce lash loss!

Of course, there are a few rare Asian chicks having nice lashes, but I am one of the majority Asian chick destined to use all sorts of special mascara to fill in the gaps and occasionally needing the magical help of false eyelashes to make me have sexy eyelashes (so I could bat a few winks at rich guys) Note* hope my boyfriend is not reading this.

tadaah!! the latest from L'Oreal!!!

Not to forget the constant use of mascara & falsies makes my lashes fall/drop/accidentally pulled by me when removing/rubbing my eyes (okay I admit that I will sometimes forget not to do that!). SO when L'Oreal gave me the opportunity to try their FIRST I repeat it's the FIRST last booster Renewal Serum from L'Oreal Paris! (notice lash serum products are $$?), I was grinning away trying to control my inner demon from flying around like a maniac.

test drive -Renewal Lash Serum

Back home, I held this little magic wand in my hands and tried to understand the instructions. Step 1 says to apply to the root of the lashes like a liner with the top of the applicator. Step 2 to apply to the while length of the lashes with the curved part of the applicator (like putting on mascara). After 3 weeks, I notice that my lashes are fuller and stronger, it didn't drop as much whenever I remove my eye make up and its a tad longer (wonder if it's my imagination?). Not that this is a miracle tool, but the main good point about L'Oreal's renewal serum is its ability to make our lashes stronger and to wake up sleeping lashes as well to start growing!

2 high-tech re-activating ingredients

in only 4 weeks for stronger, longer, fuller lashes

The Serum Works in 2 Ways

Twice Daily Application

STRONGER LASH is GOOD NEWS. U know why? because weak lashes tend to drop/fall and it takes like 4 months for our lashes to grow back again!!! ? yea I found this out at make-up workshops and each time my lash drops I kept thinking about the 4 months growth thingy.

My review on the L'Oreal Renewal Lash Serum

Applicator: rounded brush, mascara-wand type (minus the bristles) with soft tip to line lash root.

Application : takes practice, but if you're a makeup junkie, it's piece o cake for u to line & curl your lashes with the applicator. Twice daily application needed.

- To protect the lashes from external aggressions.
- To ensure that lashes are more luminous and more attractive.

-To enhance the Serum's effectiveness.

(key phase in cellular regeneration)
- The system undergoes truly intense cellular renewal.
- The system produces the hormones essential to proper physiological balance the following day.
- This is the natural time for synthesis of growth hormones.

Texture: liquid gel like, easy to apply on lashes but do not get it near your eyes coz it stings!

Scent: slight gel like scent, should not bother anyone.

Color: colorless

Price: Affordable! RM49.900 at all L'Oreal Paris cosmetic counters nationwide.

ready to boost your lashes?

unprecedented proven results**
for a more luxuriant fringe of lashes

So far it's been working well for me and I love the price on it! Read some positive reviews from the states on this and I'm happy that we Malaysians would get to buy a lash booster without paying hundreds for one. What do you think? would you take up the challenge for stronger, longer & fuller lashes?


  1. miumiu, i try on etude house eyelashes serum also! hehe~use few days ordey...buay pay orh...just that it hurts a lot when it get into eyes ;( sobsss~miumiu, if this one good good i also wanna try lerh...share share after few weeks use it ya , hehe >.<

  2. I was using a similar product long time ago (Korean brand, made in China) which works too!
    I still got stock with it.. However, I seldom use it now because it really works! (it's hard to draw a liner with transparent liquid so sometimes i might draw it wrongly and the lashes will grow at wrong place!!!!!)

  3. Jean: how much is that? how many stock u buy! i was quite tempted to go buy (can;t say try..coz so expensive) this lash serum booster..that ppl was raving about too.. but it cost rm300-400!!! i couldn't afford that. Some spa shop selling this until out of stock. Now thank God Loreal come up with one that's affordable.. nowadays my pocket also kering oledi.. need to go for stuffs below rm50!!!

  4. Miu, you should take a before & after pic =)

  5. my ciplak camera can't take close up shots :(

    i tried taking but all blur...

    wait i get Lumix GF 1...... (when i am out of shoppin debt) i can finally take close up of eyes/lips :D

  6. waaah...im liking this!!! my lashes is long (can sayla) but not lentik..hope this will boost my lashes..can wait to find it

  7. Lisa: yeah this one can awaken your lashes to grow more also.. and prevent lash-lost. If not each lash take years to grow back...

  8. OMG Lash serum!!!!!
    I want I want!!!!

    Can apply on lash before make-up?

  9. reiko: yea it's possible! :) why not leh.. lagi better.. but wait a bit b4 puttin on mascara.

  10. Miu - Really works ah? This Loreal ??
    I've tried all kinds of mascara - all also empty promises... Apply for a few hours, then drop to normal height edi... Ceh!

  11. Aileen:

    :) works for me and got a lot positive reviews about this product from L'Oreal. Everyone's experience would be different, so best to try n see if results is good for you or not.

    OH this not mascara yap, it's a lash serum. It helps to awaken dormant lashes, feed it with nutrients n decrease lash fall. Macam tanam pokok utk besar

  12. - Oh, yaa...Serum..!!
    Since you recommend it, i'll just give it a try laa... Not that expensive also...*hahaha*
    Thanks for sharing, Miu !! *hugss*
    I hope it will add volume to my tiny eyes...hahahahah!

  13. take the 4 week challenge :) n see results yap

    no.1 thing i notice after using is my eyelash dun fall off so easily after removing eyemake up. This definitely caught my attention. Growing will take some time ^___^

    i think now also got promotion... for buy loreal products at guardian...

  14. Nice post tammy ! I saw this product is featuring in the ads of all magazines on April issue.
    It should be the next hot item in town .
    Lucky you can get the invitation from Loreal ^^
    Remember to share your result ya !Can't wait to see ^^

  15. Issit suitable for sentive eye?can wear for sleep?

  16. hi norah, i have sensitive eyes so I do warn when apply, must carefully apply at the roots of the lashes, away from your inner eye yap or u will feel a bit sting.

    what i did was close one eye, draw it on the lash line root.. then wait 1 min b4 opening my eye. To prevent it from stinging my inner eye.

    Yes u can wear to sleep, it's serum :D macam face serum..now got eyelash serum haha

  17. I saw also & already saw at the guardian shops somore so faster blog about it.. duwan ketingalan zaman mah..

    it's affordable, should be next try hot item in town! results varies from people to people.. i hope my eyelashes longer.. need few more weeks try

  18. am currently using Shu Uemura lash repair serum..really promote growth & volume :D but no to lengthening thou :(

    oohh do give us weekly to monthly update about your L'oreal Lash serum!

    i too readup on the rm300-400 lash serum!! GACKK!! no wayyyy..lol i'll stick to fiber mascara & falshieee

  19. ya hor~I din considered about the eyes sensitivity tim ! haha...luckily Norah you mentioned abt it ^^

    Btw , tammy my dear^^ I've tag you in my blog post here ^^

    It's a "I love your blog" award ^^ I dunno whether u have receive it before or not , but pls take it my dear ^^ coz you deserve it ^^

  20. Miu: Thanks for youur clear explanations on how to apply it. :)

    YJia: I very concern on my eyes.....

  21. norah: u r welcome my babe, i also takut eye stuffs.. that's why hardly use eyeshadow, my eyes get itchy.

    Yjia: dun worry.. just close eyes when apply at lash root..wait for kering n open eyes should be np.

    when pakai macam mascara to coat whole eye, u use one finger hold on ur lid n pull up..softly, then apply the coat onto ur lashes.. wait to kering b4 letting it down.

    kering very fast dun worry.. no need 1 min also can

  22. Hello!
    I want to try this serum, because my lashes tend to fall when I'm removing eye makeup.
    I have something to tell you... You don't need 4 years for your lashes to grow back again! They grow up in some weeks! And that's good... I wouldn't have any lashes! haha


  23. stellar: yah :( the shu uemura wan u lucky lah!! u know why coz now no more liaooo they discontinue it in msia liao. Wing order it n paid liao but they say no more stock. They have to refund her now.

    The rm300-400.. aijo..hear price already takut.. now this one rm50.. ok lah :D can try

    i wanna see can grow my lashes longer or not.. tak payahlah nak wear falsies next time

  24. Ana Rita: coz the workshop i go.. said that :( but kinda think of it.. 4 years is a long way to go, unbelievable too, i hope it's not true like u said!

  25. love a try on this!!! but you said it will sting if go into eyes?! scare lar, cz i am not good in apply eyeliner-liked stuff ><

  26. ai wei: dun worry loh, do what i do, close eye when lining your lash root then after u think it should be dry open :D

    then when curling your lashes with the serum, just do like mascara n dun close eyes so fast.

    Actually dun freak out.. a lot thing go into eye also stinging wan kekekkee..

  27. hi Miu.. I'm querying that after applied, do we need to remove it like removing eye makeup?

  28. no need to remove :) it's serum for ur eyelash yeah

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