My Body Secrets- A Secret Invitation

My Body Secrets, Kota Damansara

About a week ago thanks to Jaclyn, I got to know Ruby Chua, owner of My Body Secrets - a newly launched slimming centre in the heart of Kota Damansara. Ruby then invited me along with several other bloggers to unfold the secrets of this elegantly charmed place over a cup of tea and ultimately a slimming treatment program catered just for us. With their professional & trained staffs, I soon made friends and learn that slimming is not about losing the kilos BUT learning more about your body and how to communicate with it.

the beautiful waiting/consultation room

At My Body Secrets, after a brief chat & introduction, Ruby could diagnose why I was overweight through a series of questions, which I find very informative because I could finally piece together the jigsaw puzzle to why I am overweight. Of course another shocker was knowing I was 11kgs overweight from BMI. My ideal weight would be 61kg for my height/age (tad slimmer would be perfect to do the runaway).

I like the cosy & quaint theme of the place

Ruby was sharing with me on how My Body Secrets came about and on her hopes of educating women (including men) on their body (hence my body secrets) and how to maintain an ideal weight through exercise (yoga one of them), healthy and balance diet (5 meals a day is best) and with a little help from her centre (treatments). She even has a doctor who would come in once a month to give a health talk and answer questions. I find Ruby very knowledgeable and confident that she could make a woman out of all us fatties (pardon the choice of words).

Our Body is like a Car.
Neglect it and it becomes a broken down car.
Cars can change spare parts.
Humans can't afford that.
(unless u're super duper rich able to afford
organ transplant but there's also a limit too)

I am not allowed to show you photographs of the slimming rooms and the centre (not yet ready) but I can tell you about my experience on the "slimming table" haha. The treatment consists of electric paddings thingies on my problem areas - thighs, tummy, underarm. Collagen gel was applied before the padding put on. Its connected to a machine which pumps electricity and forces my muscles to work out! (ahahah note this is all in my own words!). A 30minute session equals to 3-4 hours of work out! can u believe that? It was a "electrifying" experience though, nothing I ever tried before. I'm new to all this! I bet some of you have slimming packages of all sorts compare to me. I lost 0.7cm overall from 30minutes of being pumped.

The shop just had their soft launched yesterday (20th March, 2010) and I could not go T_T *cries* but to those whose interested to find out more about this newly open centre can print out this coupon for a free body slimming treatment or a herbal facial trial at RM68* (worth rm250). Be a fan at their Face Book to get the latest updates and slimming packages/rate. Their website will be launch soon

My Body Secrets
Kota Damansara, 47810
Phone: +603-6142-4898
Mon - Fri: 10:30 am - 9:00 pm
Sat: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm


  1. Ruby!!! I met her at Astro Bloggers night... And she's only 21 years old!!!! O_O" Young entrepreneur!

    Her slimming centre looks cozy and classy!!!

  2. is this a paid advert?? if it is, you owe it to your reader to tell the truth before raving abt the goodness the slimming salon.

  3. dear anonymous:

    Nope not paid, wish it was. All i share was my experience at this shop n how the slimming I had was done.

    Don't think there's any lies in that.

  4. so lucky la u Miu..get to try all the good stuff..i pun mauuuuu

  5. don't say that lah dalila, i also envy u got that nice potrait shot.. u have nice figure to show for it..

    i dun dare to take photographs with my body size :(

    we r lucky in different ways T_T

  6. "Nope not paid, wish it was. " ---> Nice one babe ! hahaha...I wondered who don't wish it was! hahaha...

    Btw I wish to try their treatment lak ~But it's over kota damansara...I'm not really familiar with PJ area ><

  7. Yeah I was lost on my first day there, coz I not familiar with Kota Damansara. It's easy once I know where liao.. google The Strand, Kota Damansara will have map.

    It's big shops area upcoming popular makan place.

  8. who's goin to the slimmin treatment?? I wonder know how was it. Tempted to go ...hope can see some hips n waist is growing sideways daily....yes i mean seriously...

  9. Far for u or not? Subang go Kota damansara..
    R u pregnant?????

  10. My dear, am not pregnant, not planning until i got a house ready ok. Say far not far, coz i also go to kota damansara to do clothing shoppping. Damn sad man...i totally dun feel sexy at all lah. :( My frens told me gals above 30s, if no exercise will put on weight easily, especially the lower part of the body.

    Now i plan to sell all my new dresses which i wore only once or twice.

  11. :( pls ah.. i oledi put on weight easily.... i am proof that no exercise = fat cat

    u better dun bcome like me!! if not u gotta change ur blog name to land of plus size squirrels..

    i askin u preggers or not coz normall marry liao sure aiming that one after few months..

  12. no dear, we r not planning for any baby until we move to our own house. :)

    Sigh. yea my blog name sooner or later will become land of plus size squirrels haha so cool. But not cool on my body la.

    But am lazy person when comes to exercise or gym. Mayb need to join a yoga class w small group of ppl.

  13. wei wei.. one day plan to come my condo swimmin, sauna n chit chat mau? i duno how to swim.. but i got pelampung.. to swim ..hahahaha

  14. wahh can cann!!! If got floaters, w orange juice n chit chat..shiok..

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